Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Throw it back if it's Pepsi!

Ahh, the evils of HFCS (high glucose corn syrup or glucose-fructose for us Canadians). I'm sure the recent (few years now) of media coverage on how bad that stuff is has given Pepsi a great reason to come out with its new but old "Pepsi Throwback ".

I like the label. It's retro, I know. And I also know I shouldn't like things retro lest I want to be called a hipster (SHOUTS OUT TO MAIN STREET), but I really can't help it. I'm really loving the yellow colour on that. It really says "I Have NO Fear of Primary Colours! Designers, Hear Me ROAR!"

The taste is Ok. Different, less intense, less fizzy, less sugary and less "Pepsi-esque" than what I remember Pepsi to be. I frankly, like it a whole lot more. So much so that I have to keep reminding myself that this stuff is still laden with 150 Calories a can and has a whopping 40 grams of the white stuff (sugar... not the other kind).

This blog says it well: It talks about how we might forget that just because sugar is natural, it is also still very dangerous in very high amounts, such as the case in sodas.

I like to remind myself of natural things that can also be bad for our health, such as:
Volcanoes (the bad ones... you know who you are)
Great white sharks

Oh yeah. That's right. Nature will and can get us all.

And unless I can throw back the Pepsi next time I go shopping, this stuff is gonna make me so fat.

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