Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Parents Against Bullying Makes Sense

I think bullying is horrible and I'm all for anti-bullying movements in schools. But it seems like people naturally think that all forms of bullying come from other children. This is simply NOT TRUE.

Today on the Skytrain, I observed this young man with his child (a toddler around 4 or 5) getting on the Skytrain in front of me. When the train got closer, I saw this man KICK the child towards the door. I wasn't sure if what I saw was correct or if I had some weird perspective that made me see it wrong. There was definitely leg movement up and it hit the child (albeit not that hard). Maybe it's the same kick/nudge I use for my dog when he's on leash and his brain goes stupid and he crosses in front. But I do that to my dog to warn him that he could get stepped on, it's never that hard and he's a dog... not a child.

Well whatever it was, they headed back towards the seat beside me but behind. It was in that little cubby place at the end of the train.

I look over a bit (just to memorize his face, incase I had to open a can of whoop-ass on him). And I saw him texting. He was speaking nicely to his son to sit down and becareful. At that time, my defenses start to decline, and my urge to kill was nil.

Then suddenly I heard this hissing voice yelling (like someone yelling hatefully) toward the child. I look over and the dad is clearly annoyed that the son is trying to vie for his attention as he was focused on his iPhone and god forbid, he actually took care of the child.

What the hell was that? I asked myself. This child was like no more than 4 years old. Obviously kids are annoying. From what I understand, children are suppose to be annoying. They are annoying until they move out of your house. I've never heard any parents use that kind of voice towards a child, especially not one at that age.

Now I don't want to get all judgmental on him. Maybe he was really really close to getting 3 stars on Angry Birds, maybe his wife just left him and he's emotionally unstable. But what I saw was a bit scary and reminded me of a lot like the parent was a bully. And I can't help but judge him as a BULLYING PARENT.

Am I being overly sensitive? No.

Should I, in hindsight, have kicked the dad's ass in? Yes.

But really, what are your takes on this???

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