Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Chips, You Make Me Sick

Nope. Chips isn't a person. I'm talking about real chips (not the British version, though sometimes they do too). But I find that potato chips and tortilla chips always make me sick.

Chips are my kryptonite.

It seems like there really is no plausible explanation for it except that there might really be something in these deep fried foods that just makes my body give up on living completely. I sort of figured this out already throughout my life that whenever I partake in the chip eating and partying, I usually got sick. When I was younger, I never believed my mother when she told me that I can't have chips, so I'd go off to some birthday party, load up on the good stuff and come home pretending I was all good. But inevitably the next day would mean that I would have a sore throat or a fever or a combination of the two.

On Monday, I went boozing with my friend in broad daylight. Well, not super broad daylight. It was after 1pm and it was a nice day out, so naturally, we went to get some beer at the Granville Island brewery. But they don't have real food there, they only have chips and other things of the like. And since I didn't particularly feel like being an elephant shelling peanuts with my beer, I decided to go for the ol' chip & salsa. I was hoping that it wouldn't affect me, but by the afternoon of that same day, I could feel the top of my palate getting sore.

Shit. So now I've been having this crazy painful swollen palate for a whole two days now, and I'm not seeing it go away anytime soon either. Why must I always succumb to the temptations of chips? I know they are bad for me, but sometimes, I just want to live like a normal person!

I bet this is what Superman must have felt like.


arf_20 said...

YOU'RE ALLERGIC TO CHIPS!!?!?!?!?!? OMG!! I had no idea. That's kind of weird. Chips?!?? Of all things. Weird.

Doris said...

It's not a real allergy but I still can't eat them *sigh*. It's horrible and weird.