Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Fashion Fiend

Ugh. Fashion. I knew I should never have been sucked into The Sartorialist for its pretty pretty pictures of people who dress all interesting and cool. Nah, it's still an awesome blog. But the contents got kinda heavy for what I expected.

I read from The Sartorialist, that John Galliano (of Dior) made racial slurs and was suspended from his role as head designer. At first, people were in disbelief and quite a lot of people just couldn't believe it was true.

But now, there's this video of him saying these nasty things (they are pretty bad) from this article in The Sun. (Thank you, technology). It's quite sad and there were lots of people who commented on The Sartorialist's update article saying how it was mental illness, or how he was drunk. But I don't think it's excusable.

I mean, we've all  been drunk before.  But how many of us will say this kind of stuff? It's pretty serious and very hurtful. I mean, most of the time when we're drunk, we might do stupid things or even fight with people, but I don't know how someone can just spew racial slur like that if they weren't already a racist to start with.

So to all the people who are super compassionate about the whole thing, I will have to say that I can't agree with that. I don't think being drunk or saying it's a mental illness is any sort of excuse to racism. Also, being an artistic genius doesn't excuse anything and being under high stress of being head designer (and living your dream job boo-hoo) is certainly no excuse!

If anything, I think John Galliano should serve time because there's a law in France and if he doesn't then it really shows that being a head designer means you're above the law and that isn't right. The good thing is that at least he's apologized but I'm really not sure if he's forgivable given what horrible things he has said and how so many people looked up to him.

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