Friday, March 04, 2011

A Spoiler Alert!

This post is just going to be a hate-on for this fictional family in the movie 28 Weeks Later. I recently re-watched this sequel to 28 Days Later, to dilute the effects of a horrible movie with Nicolas cage (that's not even worth mentioning here on my blog).

Anyway, you should stop reading here if you plan on watching 28 Weeks Later (which I recommend you watch if you like your zombies real scary) because this isn't really a review at all, but more like a rant on a stupid fictional family because I just hated them in the movie (yes, I've used the word hate quite a few times now and I know it ain't zen).

So this movie starts out with a couple (husband & wife) trying to survive in a farm house and they're trapped in there with other strangers who have come together to hide from what you soon find out are zombies from a strange and incurable "rage virus" (or as I call it, Zombie flu). So everyone is having dinner and having a nice little argument about whether or not this jerk should keep telling this stupid girl that her boyfriend is already dead because he ventured out a few days ago. He was a real jerk, so I'm glad he dies. But before it gets to that, there's the man and the woman (the couple) and they seem all loving and shit, but the woman has the kind of personality that makes me wonder how the hell she survived to get to this barn because as soon as she hears banging on the door, she wants to go get it. Plus, now there's a child begging for them to open up. Of course, the rest of the gang just sit there and stop offering any input, and the guy is like, no, let's not let the zombie flu in. But of course, he caves because how else are they going to get into shit in a zombie outbreak but to open up to take strangers in. Needless to say, their stupid action got everyone else killed, and it shows that the man leaves his wife screaming for help in the attic of the barn house as he's running away all chicken shit.

Ugh. I didn't like the wife so it wasn't a great loss to me when I watched this, but now I definitely don't like the guy either, but part of me was like, it's OK. He might die. So the story now follows that this man's children were deported and for some reason (unknown) and USA decides they will be the boss of everyone and sends these deportees back to Britain (because you know, THAT sounds safe to do so soon after a mysterious outbreak of Zombie flu). And with the US Army and the way they are always depicted in these zombie movies, they screwed this up big time (or there'd be no movie).

Anyway, the man's kids get out of the detainment area because they're punks (hating them already). And they see their zombie mom in their old house (that's just great *eyeroll*). And the weird thing is that she isnt' a zombie yet but of course she's not communicating because of the shock I guess, so the army lifts everyone back to the detainment area but under quarantine. That just doesn't seem like a smart thing to do, so the whole time I'm like "wtf people, wtf". Of course this family doesn't stop bad shit from happening yet, because the dad has access magically since he works as a janitor in the "new city" that he gets to go into the room where they've quarantined the wife. And this is the scariest part of any zombie movie I've seen, and also like both touching and stupid at the same time. Very stupid. He kisses her and of course, turns CRAZY, and like after some bloody gruesome scenes later, she's dead and he's this mad zombie king that dashes out and reeks havock on the whole city.

So just after you think that this family can't cause no more trouble after that with the whole city dead, they saved the kids (those stupid punk kids), who are also somehow carriers like their mother, and they airlift them away. And of course this movie ends with Paris all in zombie flu mode.

Yep, this zombie movie has been the hardest to watch in a very long time. No, it was good. I liked it because it was scary and very very graphic. But this family.


This is one of those movies that makes me just wanna go into the movie and shoot them myself. Talk about a rage virus.


arf_20 said...

Lol!!! All I have to say is that movie sounds terrible!!! I don't think I'll end up watching it. I think you saved me a couple of hours of my life. Although I thinkha sometime down the road I might forget and watch it anyways and be like WTF why did I watch this shit. haha

St3Fin said...

I remember this movie and the first one scared the crap out of me...If you like Zombies, see if you can find "dead set" it's a mini series in the UK...its pretty good, better than the 28 movies...

Doris said...

Ooo I like zombie movies but I'm not at all the kind to like them enough to track them down. And I'm always here to save people some time from watching bad movis :D