Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Hallmark Day!

When I was younger I thought that Hallmark made up Valentine's Day and nothing but some huge marketing ploy. Although my suspicions haven't completely subsided, I think now that St.Valentine's Day is not all that bad. For sure, the chocolate, card, and giant stuff animal manufacturers are going to capitalize on this holiday, but then so do they for everything else like Christmas and Easter. It doesn't mean that we have to stop celebrating it. But maybe we can stop buying the merchandise and just spend time with the ones who are important instead.

Of course, this is easier said than done especially when they seem to bombard us with their advertisements (it's like even our local drugstores have turned into theme based stores for most days of the year). And maybe buying some products won't be so horrible (especially if we're talking about those mini Cadbury Eggs for Easter... mmm). But nobody is really forcing us to buy anything really.

As a matter of fact, I still remember the days when I was young and single and carefree... I'm thinking of third grade... when we didn't really buy anything for Valentine's Day. And we weren't really celebrating lovers, because at that age, it would be more than weird. It was just another day where we got an excuse to have some fun and take a break from learning that multipication table (btw I'm still on break from that after more than 17 years). 

So for this Valentine's Day maybe it's time to pull out that old box of Crayolas, some long forgotten & faded construction paper and a whole lot of glitter glue. So happy Valentine's to everyone. And I'll see you all some time next week because I will be in some chocolate/sugar induced coma by tomorrow night after I go clear out the Post-Valentine section of the local chocolate store!

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