Sunday, February 20, 2011

Super Sunny Sundays. And how people should learn to walk better.

Today was wonderful out! I wished I didn't have to be inside and I wished that I had a chance to avoid Granville Island (even though it is one of my favorite places in Vancouver).

I love Granville Island because it's quaint and has lots of interesting shops and most of the shops have people who care about what they do. And I love Granville Island because there are so many studios and the location is right by the sea. It really can't be beat on a lovely sunny day such as this. But unfortunately, with a lovely location, you have crowds. And with crowds, you have your morons.

I really can't stand people who don't know how to walk. It's not that they stumble and fall and don't know how to do it. It's just that these people don't understand it's necessary to let people walk pass them in the opposite direction.

So these morons I encountered were walking from the opposite in a group of three. There's nothing wrong with that but these guys decided to side by side on a narrow strip of wood pathway that really fits only three people across. They ended up blocking all the people behind them by walking ridiculously slow and moving so sporadically that nobody knew how to pass them. Heck, that's not really my problem, but as I approached from the opposite side, they showed no signs of changing their formation. On my side, there was traffic, so really, I couldn't tuck further to my side. I had no curb to step on. I was trapped. Yes, trapped in an idiot walk off.

I had to think quick. So I needed to use what I have with me. Luckily for me, I had a canvas in my arm. I started swinging it quite strongly.

All of a sudden, the formation changed and the guys decided to let me pass after all! Voila. Just like that I was safe. So what, if it had to resort to a threat of physical violence from my part. I was safe.

I'm sure there's a lesson to be learned somewhere in here. I'm not sure if the lesson is to always carry something that can do some damage (even on a Sunny day in a lovely place like Granville Island), or if it is to not let walking bullies push you into oncoming traffic.

All I know is that on a lovely day like today, my art practice saved my life.


St3Fin said...

LOL I can totally picture you swinging your canvass around. Quick thinking on your part! :)

arf_20 said...

hahaha... that's awesome. I too find it annoying when ppl don't know how to walk properly.

Doris said...

Thanks guys! I know if I ever end up at the police station for hitting someone in the shins with a canvas, I have you guys to call on.