Monday, January 31, 2011

Disgusting Story About Dog Abuse and Dog Sled Industries.

Argh. This news story really breaks my heart. It talks about how a man was ordered to put down a hundred sled dogs with guns, while other dogs where watching him do it.

I'm not making this up. I would have to be a very twisted person to even be able to come up with a story as cruel as this one. Here's the link to the global news story:

Well... what is my opinion? I'm sure you know I love dogs. I think they are like a gift from some kind of god. And right now all I can feel is this sick-to-my-stomach kind of feeling.

And I'm outraged too. Part of me wants to beat the crap out of the man who killed the dogs, and more importantly out of the company's staff of Outdoor Adventures, and owner (Joey Houssian). I bet if I sat across from that dude at the bar, I would probably lose it. I'm pretty even tempered and at times a coward, but this kind of news makes me ready for murder. Like hot blood boiling rage type of anger.

Part of me feels ashamed too. I always thought dog sledding would be so fun. It looks so fun. I didn't even think about how the dogs were treated. Luckily, I haven't done this thing on my bucket list first because I think the guilt would kill me.

I'm glad I know about this now, before I had a chance to give any of my money to such a disgusting creature as Joey Houssain and his vile company.

Great Song, Jack!

Just found this song now! I like it.

Pork Chops

Pork chops are awesome and delicious. So I went to Superstore to get some "anti-biotic free" ones. I'm not sure if it's some kind of gimmicky advertisement or what-not. But they were priced right so I got them.

Now the problem is, I have no idea how to cook them. I looked online first. And I found several sites just saying cook it at medium-high for however many minutes on one side then flip it and cook again on the other side and cook again at however many minutes. Sounds simple enough.

So I started doing that but then I saw underneath the label of the pork-chop packaging that you need to cook it to 140 Fahrenheit.

Panic! The stove is on, the pan is hot, and the chops are a sizzling. Now I find this info?

Ok, calm down, Doris. Calm down, I told myself.

So I turned the heat down a bit and went rummaging for a meat thermometer. Which is never found in the first place you look!

Anyway, I stuck the thermometer in and waited. And waited and waited. What the hell.

It stopped at 120F and just wouldn't budge. Ok... I thought, while holding it up with one hand and trying not to get splashed by the fat. I'll do this again in another spot. Maybe it's just the spot I have chosen.

So I did it again and by now the time is like double what the instructions online was. I'm getting pretty tired of holding that thermometer (still at 120F).

I have to say I'm pretty upset at this point and just decided to eat the chops. How I used to do anything was to see if it bleeds or not. And I haven't died so far.

I'm going to take the risk.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Sick Again! Stupid Diet for a Not-That-Stupid Person.

I think my diet needs a bit of a HUGE change. I went to Denny's yesterday and had sausage, bacon and eggs. And also this greasy pancake. In the afternoon I had coffee (which usually doesn't agree with me, but I love coffee). Then at night I had soup (not too bad, it had veggies) and I also had a sandwich (on white bread.. it was pretty bad).

I've been eating cheesecake too for the last few days (week) in a row.

Oh and also a pack of Hobnobs all to myself in the last two days. So really, I am not surprised. But I find it hard to eat healthy! It's a lot more work and it doesn't taste good.

I should have made my resolution: eating better. Or maybe something specific, like eating 5 servings of vegetable a day. But I really don't think I have the tenacity to do it. Ok, maybe I do. So I guess from now on, I'll bore you with how I do with my diet... Please don't leave! Keep following me hahaha

Signing out,
Chronically bad eater

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

On the 99 B-Line Part 2 (B stands for Butt)

Ok. How should I begin this post? Hmm, let's see. I'll have to explain the 99 B-line bus. It is usually super crowded whenever it's rush hour or on weekends. So if you can find a seat, you usually try to sit down.

Unfortunately not all bus seats are created equal.

There are some notoriously dangerous places to sit down in because the people who are standing and crowding the bus can fall on you!

So anyway, yesterday I was on the bus and stuck in one of the "bad spots on the bus". Now this spot is all the way in the back, so it's not the worst spot on the bus compared to the ones where you're sitting in the front where the seats are low, the crowds are huge, and the handle bars are scarce.

Anyway, mine is that seat in the very back row where if you're in the middle, you have the chance of being stepped on by someone who is standing in the aisle directly in front of you.

This story is a bit traumatizing visually, so I think I best use my MS paint skills to show you what happened...

At first the bus wasn't loaded all the way up. So the guy, who I will call the Traumatizer, gets on the bus and holds onto the bar. No biggie. Nothing weird. He's standing there, albeit a little awkwardly because most people usually stand sideways so you can fit two rows of people in the back. But instead he chose to hold onto the both the bars and stand in facing the front. The way he's standing is not recommended because if the bus stops, he's less likely to be able to keep his balance... but it's not too disturbing. He's a guy who looks like he's relatively normal in size and shape so I'm not worried just yet.

But then he starts shifting his weight on one leg and backing up a bit more because at this point more people are trying to squeeze onto the bus. The disturbing part was that he shifted his weight SO much that one of his butt cheeks were actually sticking into my personal space. To make matters worst, this guy was fidgeting more and more while still holding onto his two poles.
And it just got worst and worst... until my view became nothing but this.
 And the only thing I could think of was whether he'll sit on my lap, or whether I had any bills to tip him with.

Seriously, it was the most uncomfortable bus ride I've had in a while. Granted you don't go onto the 99 B-line thinking of a comfortable ride, but surely this is a bit too extreme isn't it?

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Google "why can't I own a..."

I was just bored (as usual) and typed in "why can't I..." in google and it had an option of: "why can't I own a canadian?"

Interesting. So I clicked.

The first thing that came from this page was a link to:

It's a good letter. It's kind of in a humourous tone yet it is thought provoking and proves a good point. (see the end of the blog. I pasted it on there)

There's also a video on it... not sure which came first but both worth the visit. The West Wing episode is less funny than the letter though. Maybe it's the actor's interpretation.

In any case, I like this letter because it's a smart response to people who just throw out quotes from the bible like it's the answer to everything. Granted, there are some good lessons to be learned from the Bible (I think it teaches people to be nice in some parts right?). But I don't think promoting hate towards people is the point of religion. Then again, I might be wrong because I've never really studied religion and I'm definitely not Christian or Catholic or anything like that.

I'll paste it here if you don't want to go to the link yourself.

Why Can't I Own a Canadian?

October 2002

Dr. Laura Schlessinger is a radio personality who dispenses advice to people who call in to her radio show. Recently, she said that, as an observant Orthodox Jew, homosexuality is an abomination according to Leviticus 18:22 and cannot be condoned under any circumstance. The following is an open letter to Dr. Laura penned by a east coast resident, which was posted on the Internet. It's funny, as well as informative:
Dear Dr. Laura:
Thank you for doing so much to educate people regarding God's Law. I have learned a great deal from your show, and try to share that knowledge with as many people as I can. When someone tries to defend the homosexual lifestyle, for example, I simply remind them that Leviticus 18:22 clearly states it to be an abomination. End of debate. I do need some advice from you, however, regarding some of the other specific laws and how to follow them:
When I burn a bull on the altar as a sacrifice, I know it creates a pleasing odor for the Lord - Lev.1:9. The problem is my neighbors. They claim the odor is not pleasing to them. Should I smite them?
I would like to sell my daughter into slavery, as sanctioned in Exodus 21:7. In this day and age, what do you think would be a fair price for her?
I know that I am allowed no contact with a woman while she is in her period of menstrual uncleanliness - Lev.15:19- 24. The problem is, how do I tell? I have tried asking, but most women take offense.
Lev. 25:44 states that I may indeed possess slaves, both male and female, provided they are purchased from neighboring nations. A friend of mine claims that this applies to Mexicans, but not Canadians. Can you clarify? Why can't I own Canadians?
I have a neighbor who insists on working on the Sabbath. Exodus 35:2 clearly states he should be put to death. Am I morally obligated to kill him myself?
A friend of mine feels that even though eating shellfish is an abomination - Lev. 11:10, it is a lesser abomination than homosexuality. I don't agree. Can you settle this?
Lev. 21:20 states that I may not approach the altar of God if I have a defect in my sight. I have to admit that I wear reading glasses. Does my vision have to be 20/20, or is there some wiggle room here?
Most of my male friends get their hair trimmed, including the hair around their temples, even though this is expressly forbidden by Lev. 19:27. How should they die?
I know from Lev. 11:6-8 that touching the skin of a dead pig makes me unclean, but may I still play football if I wear gloves?
My uncle has a farm. He violates Lev. 19:19 by planting two different crops in the same field, as does his wife by wearing garments made of two different kinds of thread (cotton/polyester blend). He also tends to curse and blaspheme a lot. Is it really necessary that we go to all the trouble of getting the whole town together to stone them? - Lev.24:10-16. Couldn't we just burn them to death at a private family affair like we do with people who sleep with their in-laws? (Lev. 20:14)
I know you have studied these things extensively, so I am confident you can help. Thank you again for reminding us that God's word is eternal and unchanging.
Your devoted fan,

Monday, January 24, 2011

Neti Pots. Nasal Irrigation. Ear Infections Fears.

The "neti pots" is this thing where you put in a salt water solution and you kinda pour it into your nose to clean it all out. It's some kind of Indian thing... like a yoga thing. Anyway, I found it was good when I had really bad sinus problems... mainly a relief for allergies and general sinus problems.

Anyway, I was wondering if any one else here has tried it? I had good experience with this product. It feels like it washes out the allergens or something and relieves me of that uncomfortable feeling whenever allergy season strikes. Granted, it is not the sexiest tool on the planet. And it's not something you really just bring up at dinner. "Hey guys, guess what? I cleaned out my nose with large amounts of salt water for a week and my allergies are better! Who knew that water flowing through your nose and dripping out the other end can be more useful than my doctor?"

When I Googled "Neti Pot Danger". I found out that you can get an ear infection if the water goes through the wrong tube! I didn't know this. I've never had that  problem. Then I read another woman who was "warning" people about using it from "just" reading online or booklet instructions. She claims that you need a qualify teacher to teach you how to do it right.

Now, is it just me, or does it sound like they are trying to scare people on purpose? Do people like being scared? Because I've never had problems and all I did was "just" read the instructions that came with the nasal wash package! Sometimes I feel a little bit of caution and carefulness is enough for using products like this. But maybe I AM just naive, and some random ear infection is waiting to just pounce on me, when I least suspect it. Anyway, for now, I will just be sticking to these simple instructions from my booklet. Everyone wish me luck!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Taste Test: Glosette Raisins vs. Great Value Milk Chocolate Coated Raisins

The day before yesterday, (or was it really yesterday... doesn't matter) point is, I went to Wal-mart. Anyway, Wal-mart is an interesting place... they seem to have everything and then some. I perused around the whole shop and found all sorts of random. I didn't buy much except for candies and I decided that I would do a taste test of Glosette Raisins (by hershey) vs. "Great Value Milk Chocolate Coated Raisins".

The Great Value Milk Chocolate Coated Raisins (from herein to be called MCCR) tastes dramatically different from the Glosettes. MCCRs weren't bad but they just lacked the same flavour. 
The Glosettes tasted stronger more flavourful and had this nice "Glosette" aftertaste. Maybe it's just a sugary aftertaste mixed with whatever flavouring Hersheys adds, but it different.

If I had to pick which one is better, I would pick Glosettes. It could be because I prefer something sweeter and stronger in flavour or it could just be because I'm used to the way Glosettes tastes!

Anyway, next time you go to Wal-mart, maybe you can do a side by side comparison. And let me know how that went.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Best Animal Movie: The Adventures of Milo and Otis

Today we picked up a movie from the good ol'days where they used to film animal movies without using any real special effects with the computer. It's a movie about a pug (Otis) and his orange tabby friend (Milo) and their adventures as they get swept away from home.

The back of this film says it took 4 years to complete. 4 years!!! That's something you don't see often these days. Anyway, this movie was awesome. It had sentimental parts, scary parts, funny parts and thrilling parts.

I would recommend this to anyone who likes watching animals. Oh, and if you like Mrs. Doubtfire to read to you as he did for his children, this one is not to be missed.

Here's a link to IMDb:

Friday, January 21, 2011

Book I Am Reading: Janet Frame's Owls Do Cry

A few days ago I went to a used bookstore along Broadway, in South Granville and I found a book by Janet Frame.
When I was in University, my fiction prof introduced me to her other book: Yellow Flowers in the Antipodean Room. I thought that book was really hard to read because Janet Frame writes novels like poetry and at times there are no punctuations to help you and there are run-on sentences and things that make up trains of thought.

This book was no different, after I read the first chapter. I had to stop and go "WHAT?" and re-read. But you catch more each time and it's not hard to read in the sense that it's boring. It's hard to read because it's so absorbing and so interesting to try to pick out the meaning from some of her writing.

I love this woman! Her books are so raw and powerful and they bring this sense that you're connected and inside the people's heads. But maybe it's because all her characters are slightly messed up... such as Toby who has fits and Daphne who is now in a "dead room" (psych hospital)... I feel a little crazier after reading it but I like it. It's freeing!

I recommend this book. Maybe it won't be your cup of tea. You certainly can't read it if you're one of those people who have to be very grammatically correct (and full of yourself hahaha).

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Not Your Typical Birthday Lunch

For those of you who don't know. I volunteer at a place where people with disabilities live and call their home. I go in once in a while to do really fun things with them or do exercises or whatever. Easy stuff.
Today was one of my regular's birthday... really, I consider her a friend. So we went out to have lunch. And we invited another person to come along. The restaurant isn't very far away maybe 10 minutes walking distance away from the residence. But getting everything ready (like getting dressed in hats, gloves, toques and jackets) and waiting to take the bus and finally getting there took at least an hour. Being at the restaurant took another hour. And coming home was another hour or so, mostly waiting for the bus this time.
I had a great time at lunch and she had lots of fun. But it makes me appreciate the things I take for granted, like going out to grab a bite to eat with friends without having to really think about it or getting organized to make it happen. All I have to do is get dressed, jump on the bus and go. But for someone like my friend who needs help with things, you have to ask to see if anyone will go with you. Otherwise, it isn't very safe (or you won't feel very safe). And then you have to get helped getting yourself all ready to go. Plus you have to wait for a bus that has a lift and an area like that, and then you have to think about where you're going and if they have ramps or aisle that are wide enough to fit you. It's so much more complicated to do things. and I think God (or the Universe, or whoever I should thank).
I also wanted to thank one of the bus drivers that helped without even being asked. To the other bus driver who assumed because I was traveling with my friends on wheelchair that I know how to work the stuff, shame on you, and do your job next time!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Things To Do When Bored

I find that whenever I am bored, I am usually unhappy and this leads me to become even more bored but in a frustrated or angry way. So here's a list of easy things to do when bored:
1. Drawing/doodling. There's always time to work on your art. Even when I don't feel like it, this is a good one to do. Once I get started this one usually cheers me up and makes me focus.
2. Singing. I can't sing. Let's just say this one is more like listening to music but feeling like I have to add to some parts that I vaguely know... lyrics are usually butchered and the "music" would make hounds start howling along.
3. Walking. This one is the hardest one for me to do. When I'm bored, I really enjoy a walk, but usually it takes 2 to 10,000 people to get me out that door. I like how walking instantaneously makes me feel less anxious or bored or worried.
4. Making food. This probably the most physically rewarding. Yes, the trainers, physiologists and what have you health-people out there would probably be saying "hey, Doris, I think the exercise like walking that you mentioned above may be more beneficial". To them I say, "Shut-it". There's nothing more rewarding than food. Ever! Don't even try to talk to me about it. It's like telling a Christian fundamentalist that there's something more important than God. Yes, I am a fundamentalist foodie. So there's no use.
5. Painting. This one is rather different from drawing. It takes a bit more planning and supply gathering but once you start you really can't stop!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Monday Madness

Today I perused the "work" sections of Workopolis, Craigslist and Vancouver Job Shop. Much to my dismay, I'm either qualified for nothing or qualified for nothing. Let me explain. Most of the jobs I see either have things I don't have, ie. specific experience in specific fields or they pay next to nothing (and they still need a whole bunch of experience). Now I've been told before to just apply, as in, don't bother matching their requirements. Just apply and see what happens. I guess I am just not gutsy enough to do that. I feel like if I don't match the requirements, I shouldn't bother. Well... let's say it's just not working out for me.
Maybe I should just start applying. See what happens. Spam them? Embellish my resume??? I don't really know what it is I am suppose to do. There are so many people with so many suggestions as to what is the correct and incorrect way to seek a job that I feel like everyone is just saying what they feel like. Maybe I should just start doing that.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Disappointing Restaurant Find: Portobello on West Broadway (Vancouver)

Today, I looked forward to celebrating my friend's 25th birthday at Portobello. There were many times when I walked by that I wanted to try them, as the sign is bright red and the whole place just looks so classy when lit by candles.

But sometimes, life is full of plain old let downs. The visit was disappointing to say the least. Of the food between what my boyfriend and I got, the best part was the lukewarm tap water... which tied with their (supposedly "made in house") hazelnut cheesecake because it tasted store brought. That was about it.

Let's start with the main, my boyfriend's main was better than mine... he had pork medallion that was nothing special and nothing notable but just OK.  The gnocchi I got tasted like it was cooked in a sauce made from Campbell's canned soup! Not that I'm dissing that stuff but I sure as hell don't need to pay $16 and I didn't need to add the amount of salt I did just to give it enough flavour to boost it from "bland" status.

Now that we're on the topic of soups, the carrot soup tasted like a mush of carrots cooked in copious amounts of water. I hate to repeat the theme of BLAND here, but alas, I must. Not only that, the soup was served at barely warm levels. I mean, if you're going to make me soup and serve it BLAND, at least heat it up for me so that when I add (lots) of salt, it will dissolve at a reasonable time frame.

As I've mentioned, the cheesecake was OK. Nothing special. It was part of the 3 course meal (senior's diet plan) that my boyfriend ordered.

The most disappointing part  to me, was the service. Not only did they spill water on the birthday boy. But they also refused to split the bill for a larger party. Then when we asked if we can pay certain parts on credit card, the waiter said "NO. No splitting bills. It says on the menu you can't split bills". My friend tried to explain we're not splitting it but trying to pay parts on certain bills. Now I don't know about you, but I've gone to lots of places in my life from crappy little corner places, to your neighborhood pubs, and large chain restaurants, and I've NEVER had a problem with paying a portion on one credit card and the remainder on another. Needless to say, Portobello has its own rules that it's sticking to. And that rule is to not accommodate at all!

When we looked at the bill closely (because now we had to do math worthy of 20 accountants just to figure out our payments) we noticed they put the tax on top of the gratuity. That doesn't make the gratuity 15% anymore. It makes it into 17% +. That's like 17% more than they deserve for the kind of service where they slowly brought out one plate at a time, spilled water on my friend, failed to keep our glasses filled, failed to give us adequate seating room and started to collect plates before everyone was finished their meals!

Finally, it cost my boyfriend and I $61 to experience such a horrendously disappointing dine out.

Puzzling Saturdays.

Today was so beautiful when it began and now it's all gray and depressing out. How awfully puzzling.

Oh well! One of the best things to do in rainy weather is to PUZZLE! That's right. Nothing better than a good old fashion 1000 piece jig-saw puzzle to solve your rainy wonder woes. But if you're anything impatient like myself, then you'll need a hammer and a nail file. That, or you can make alliance with someone (like my boyfriend) who will do all the work while you take umpteenth amounts of coffee breaks, water breaks, leg stretching breaks and, lest I forget, blogging breaks.

I'm looking forward to heading out soon for an old friend's 25th birthday celebration, so I guess I'll just leave my puzzling boyfriend to keep at it while I just take another break... yes, a getting-ready-for-dinner break.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Instant Noodles Wreck Havoc. Rain and General Misery

I'm feeling so "Blagh." That's right. BLAGH.
 There's no other term to describe it better... it is that feeling where your whole body feels like a truck came along and gently nudged it down before carefully driving over you sideways. I don't think it's a flu because I don't get sick but I am certainly feeling under this (crappy) weather.
I wonder if I made myself feel like this because I've been eating instant noodles for several days now. Not as the only food I'm eating, but definitely as a big component of at least one of my daily meals. I should have known better since the ingredients are mainly fat (from lard), salt, lard sprinkled with salt and simple simple carbs. I mean you can't get simpler and more process carbs than instant noodles, Let's just say if you were a noodle and this was elementary school, you wouldn't befriend instant noodle. And he would be sitting on the corner trying to put crayons into his mouth.
I guess today will be a day where I try to avoid that stuff (damn it's addictive), and drink lots of fluids to try to flush out all that ails me.

They are sooo good. But so deadly... I'm going to miss you

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Baby T-shirts? Anyone?

Have you ever seen a baby making bubbles with his mouth? I thought maybe this would make a good t-shirt. Give me a break. It's Thursday :)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Wednesday's Weather Whine

Last night was beautiful, but unfortunately I don't have a habit of carrying my camera (point & shoot type) with me. I spent sometime outdoors before I decided that my frostbitten toes weren't going to carry me home if I don't head indoors asap.

So I just woke up *yawn*. And now I'm afraid to look outside because when it snows the night before, it usually mean one of two things in Vancouver.
1) Slushy roads with bad drivers
2) Rainy roads with bad drivers
I'm trying hard to quell the excitement of which of the choices it will be. It's hard. I don't know how I'm holding up hahaha. I am really a whine when it comes to the day after a light snowfall. I wish it would be more like other cities here where the snow sticks around for a bit so it's not beautiful one day and horrendous the other day.
Oh well, until I can change the weather!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Nothing to Say.

Nothing To Say. 12-2010
This is an charcoal and watercolour I did from a picture of a (much) less grumpy clown. I personally prefer my clowns to be grumpy and down right upset.
Hope your day will be better than his.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Monday's Word of the Day: Borborygmus

Today's word of the day is borborygmus (plural borborygmi).

I figured it was something like a mythical creature of the Boreal forest... somewhat akin to big foot or Sasquatch. Maybe, it would be hairy too. Maybe it would sport a thick coat of purple fur. Maybe its fierce yellow eyes, long pointed nails and sharp teeth would be the story of legend.

Maybe it would be as depicted here:
 ... on a sunny day.

But, alas, borborygmus means nothing more than "a rumbling or gurgling sound caused by the movement of gas in the intestines." 
I know! It's disappointing isn't it? 
If you want to really verify this very disappointing definition for such a gloriously interesting word, you can visit They are a real dictionary, and I have nothing to do with them or their definitions.

Well until next time folks!

Sunday, January 09, 2011

Sunday Free Game Recommendation

This might be a pretty simple game but it just might be addictive as heck!

Compare it to how you fared!

Good-luck and enjoy!

Saturday, January 08, 2011

On the 99 B-Line

Today I was on the Canada B-Line (a crazy fast bus with an over abundance of extremely abrupt stops) and I experienced something truly Canadian.

Now if you're from Canada, it make take a minute to realize the strangeness of this scene. Need more time?
Ok, time's up. Don't you think in any other place, the person who got injured probably wouldn't have said that they were sorry to the first person? Hmmm... interesting. But that's why I love Canada.

Friday, January 07, 2011

Sunny Days

Today I woke up early and after eating a good healthy breakfast, I went straight back to bed. Now it's 11am and I have the whole day to wonder what to do with myself.
I really don't stress over it. I can do so many things (most of which I probably won't do because I'm too lazy). Being unemployed doesn't really bother me like the way it bothers some people. I find the time to draw and sit and relax to be quite comforting.
Of course there's the part of me that's worried and the thoughts keep asking "Why are you wasting your time? How will you make enough money for anything? Where will you be in a year if you don't find a job soon?". To those thoughts I say "Just keep looking but there's no reason not to enjoy this momentary lack of work".
There aren't that many times in someone's life when they don't have to work. So just enjoy it

Thursday, January 06, 2011

Rainy & Grey

The rain has been relentless for the past few days so everything outside is grey. Right now I'm suffering a case of extreme weather induced depression. I've been eating more, sleeping more and generally lazying about more. It could be from the fact that I like doing all of the above, but I say it's more socially acceptable to just say it's a case of depression caused by some factor outside my control.

So to cheer everyone up. Here's a picture of something more cheerful that I found.
That's all folks!

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Procrastination and Photography

So I procrastinated a bit before I got to this. And what better way to procrastinate then check out some random blogs?

There are some really interesting ones out there and some rather boring ones (maybe like mine). But I noticed that all of them have pictures... where are my pictures?

The best one I've seen today was all pictures and maybe a few paragraphs here and there if it requires description. Maybe if I knew how to work a real camera then I'd do that too, but since I can't I'm afraid my images will just be boring and dull with no specific thought into lighting.

Part of me wants to stop blogging, go take a photography lesson for a year or so, practice my art, and then come back to this. The other part of me wants to say "you've done enough for today, let's just go check facebook, you deserve it"

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

New Year's Resolutions Abound

Everyone has new year's resolutions these days. What should mine be? A logical one would be to actually follow through with this blog unlike all my previous (unsuccessful) attempts to blog.

Really? How hard can this be? But I've never been able to stick to this... just like going to the gym or making sure I drink 8 glasses of water a day. Am I just not a very consistent person?

I really envy those people who stick to things. Do you think 2011 will be one of those years for me?

Also, if you haven't noticed already. I have no theme, no genre, no preference, no personality! Hopefully this blog will find a topic because as of now, I have nothing worth blogging about...