Friday, January 21, 2011

Book I Am Reading: Janet Frame's Owls Do Cry

A few days ago I went to a used bookstore along Broadway, in South Granville and I found a book by Janet Frame.
When I was in University, my fiction prof introduced me to her other book: Yellow Flowers in the Antipodean Room. I thought that book was really hard to read because Janet Frame writes novels like poetry and at times there are no punctuations to help you and there are run-on sentences and things that make up trains of thought.

This book was no different, after I read the first chapter. I had to stop and go "WHAT?" and re-read. But you catch more each time and it's not hard to read in the sense that it's boring. It's hard to read because it's so absorbing and so interesting to try to pick out the meaning from some of her writing.

I love this woman! Her books are so raw and powerful and they bring this sense that you're connected and inside the people's heads. But maybe it's because all her characters are slightly messed up... such as Toby who has fits and Daphne who is now in a "dead room" (psych hospital)... I feel a little crazier after reading it but I like it. It's freeing!

I recommend this book. Maybe it won't be your cup of tea. You certainly can't read it if you're one of those people who have to be very grammatically correct (and full of yourself hahaha).

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