Saturday, January 15, 2011

Puzzling Saturdays.

Today was so beautiful when it began and now it's all gray and depressing out. How awfully puzzling.

Oh well! One of the best things to do in rainy weather is to PUZZLE! That's right. Nothing better than a good old fashion 1000 piece jig-saw puzzle to solve your rainy wonder woes. But if you're anything impatient like myself, then you'll need a hammer and a nail file. That, or you can make alliance with someone (like my boyfriend) who will do all the work while you take umpteenth amounts of coffee breaks, water breaks, leg stretching breaks and, lest I forget, blogging breaks.

I'm looking forward to heading out soon for an old friend's 25th birthday celebration, so I guess I'll just leave my puzzling boyfriend to keep at it while I just take another break... yes, a getting-ready-for-dinner break.

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