Wednesday, January 26, 2011

On the 99 B-Line Part 2 (B stands for Butt)

Ok. How should I begin this post? Hmm, let's see. I'll have to explain the 99 B-line bus. It is usually super crowded whenever it's rush hour or on weekends. So if you can find a seat, you usually try to sit down.

Unfortunately not all bus seats are created equal.

There are some notoriously dangerous places to sit down in because the people who are standing and crowding the bus can fall on you!

So anyway, yesterday I was on the bus and stuck in one of the "bad spots on the bus". Now this spot is all the way in the back, so it's not the worst spot on the bus compared to the ones where you're sitting in the front where the seats are low, the crowds are huge, and the handle bars are scarce.

Anyway, mine is that seat in the very back row where if you're in the middle, you have the chance of being stepped on by someone who is standing in the aisle directly in front of you.

This story is a bit traumatizing visually, so I think I best use my MS paint skills to show you what happened...

At first the bus wasn't loaded all the way up. So the guy, who I will call the Traumatizer, gets on the bus and holds onto the bar. No biggie. Nothing weird. He's standing there, albeit a little awkwardly because most people usually stand sideways so you can fit two rows of people in the back. But instead he chose to hold onto the both the bars and stand in facing the front. The way he's standing is not recommended because if the bus stops, he's less likely to be able to keep his balance... but it's not too disturbing. He's a guy who looks like he's relatively normal in size and shape so I'm not worried just yet.

But then he starts shifting his weight on one leg and backing up a bit more because at this point more people are trying to squeeze onto the bus. The disturbing part was that he shifted his weight SO much that one of his butt cheeks were actually sticking into my personal space. To make matters worst, this guy was fidgeting more and more while still holding onto his two poles.
And it just got worst and worst... until my view became nothing but this.
 And the only thing I could think of was whether he'll sit on my lap, or whether I had any bills to tip him with.

Seriously, it was the most uncomfortable bus ride I've had in a while. Granted you don't go onto the 99 B-line thinking of a comfortable ride, but surely this is a bit too extreme isn't it?

1 comment:

St3Fin said...

HAHAHAHA that is richly hilarious! I like how you emphasized his one butt cheek with the expanded pocket LOL