Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Giving back through Kiva

A while ago, a friend asked me what I wanted for Christmas. This is always a tough one because I want stuff but at the same time, I don't like having so much stuff. That and I don't really need anything else usually. Anything I would want, would just be that -stuff I want but not need.

So she got me $25 on Kiva. This site where you can make loans to people in third world countries with that money (combined with money from other people), and they can make their business dreams come true! It's really a good way to give back! You eventually get your money back (slowly but surely) as they make money from their business and repay your loan. Then you can go into Kiva again and make another loan!

I'm explaining it the simple way cause I never really read too much on it. There's a lot you can read on their site, but what I great idea!

Anyway, usually I get email updates from them about how my donation repayment is going and blah blah blah, to be honest, I never read those. But today I got this offer from Kiva that says I can give out a FREE $25 trial to people so they can see how this works!

So here's the link! I urge you to sign up (maybe use a junk mail account? I always like doing that first with new stuff anyway, but I've eventually changed my account to my main email account). The $25 will be repaid back to Kiva (since they are shelling out the money). But there's nothing to lose! AND you can help some people get to their goals of financing their business faster!

Go and try it!!! http://kiva.org/invitedby/doris7064

And tell me how it goes!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Throw it back if it's Pepsi!

Ahh, the evils of HFCS (high glucose corn syrup or glucose-fructose for us Canadians). I'm sure the recent (few years now) of media coverage on how bad that stuff is has given Pepsi a great reason to come out with its new but old "Pepsi Throwback ".

I like the label. It's retro, I know. And I also know I shouldn't like things retro lest I want to be called a hipster (SHOUTS OUT TO MAIN STREET), but I really can't help it. I'm really loving the yellow colour on that. It really says "I Have NO Fear of Primary Colours! Designers, Hear Me ROAR!"

The taste is Ok. Different, less intense, less fizzy, less sugary and less "Pepsi-esque" than what I remember Pepsi to be. I frankly, like it a whole lot more. So much so that I have to keep reminding myself that this stuff is still laden with 150 Calories a can and has a whopping 40 grams of the white stuff (sugar... not the other kind).

This blog says it well: http://www.treehugger.com/files/2010/01/pepsi-throwback-kill-you.php. It talks about how we might forget that just because sugar is natural, it is also still very dangerous in very high amounts, such as the case in sodas.

I like to remind myself of natural things that can also be bad for our health, such as:
Volcanoes (the bad ones... you know who you are)
Great white sharks

Oh yeah. That's right. Nature will and can get us all.

And unless I can throw back the Pepsi next time I go shopping, this stuff is gonna make me so fat.

Thursday, June 09, 2011

Rural Living

I was in Saskatchewan for about a week.

Was it boring, you ask?

You betcha! And I loved every minute of it. I ate lots of home cooking (courtesy of my boyfriend's lovely aunt P.) and with the rest of the time? I went fishing and ATV'ing. What's ATVing? It's a lazy man's bicycle ride through farmland and deciduous forests.

Now that I'm back home, I find life is boring but not in the same activity filled way. I guess I need someone to bring me outside but for some reason, I can't enjoy myself. Maybe it's the city noises. I never noticed how loud it is in the city. Ahh I miss the rural living.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Throwing Dirty Looks On the 99 B-line

I hate people who budge in line. I enjoy throwing dirty looks at people on the B-line, don't get me wrong. But throwing people dirty looks can only give me so much pleasure.

Today while waiting for the 99, where the line kind of forms itself, a group of punks (they weren't dress like it... they were more like hipsters) in their early twenties cut into the line at the very front. Fortunately for them, they didn't try to cut in front of me or else there would have been quite the headline news about strangulation and how tempers were at an all time high on the Vancouver transit system.

People were appalled, and of course, I took the chance to throw some dirty looks their way.

I'm a bit disappointed that this behaviour happened in Vancouver. I wonder if it's a recent thing or if you've experienced it recently. I don't recall this happening a few years ago.

I guess this is as good of a time as any to tell you about a few months ago, when someone tried to cut in front of me while everyone was already boarding the bus. Again, this man was in his early twenties and was not poorly dressed. He came out of nowhere and stepped on the man boarding ahead of me. I decided that even though he was taller and a man, I could take him. And I did.

With less than 5 inches between me and him, I pulled back a bit and body slammed him out of the way. Yep. Full on body slammed. Now this isn't something I was proud of doing at the moment. But believe me, I'm damn proud of it now. It makes me laugh to think about how far back I knocked him out of the line.

When he entered the line again (by cutting in line again). He was at least 5 people behind where he tried to budge. I don't feel bad about this display of violence. I think it's fair because when he got on the bus, he had the audacity to give me a look. Obviously, as I have confessed earlier to my affinity towards giving dirty looks, I had stared him down until he sat in the back of the bus and finally looked away because he couldn't take it anymore. Yep. I am a champion of dirty looks and the stare down. I have practice, just ask my Jack Russell Terrier.

Friday, May 06, 2011

Funny YouTube Finds

I haven't blogged for a while. Not because I was busy. No. That would be like every other blogger who has a life. I just didn't blog because I had nothing to blog about. Then I thought. Wait. Have I ever mention how much I love Tim Minchin and his songs?

 I don't think I have. So if you haven't checked him out yet. You can find him on YouTube. He's pretty funny. And his expressions are awesome too.


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Finally, I'm Allergic to Fruits!

Yesterday, I had a fresh pineapple and I think I had an allergic reaction, but I can't be quite sure.

I forgot to dip the pineapple in salt water before I ate it. I recalled (right after my throat became itchy) that my mom had warned me to dip fresh pineapple in salt before I ate it when I was a child.

There's not much about it online. Some people say it's the citric acid and some people say it's the bromelain (an enzyme that breaks down protein) that is causing the itch. Other people say it's a form of an allergic reaction.

I'm allergic to fruit? That would be awesome! I would finally have an excuse to eat nothing but meat (because why would I risk eating any other fruits? Maybe I would even ban vegetables to be safe...). But alas, I don't think it's an allergy because I've had pineapple before and it was OK (as long as I salt it).

Now I have half a thing of pineapple still in the fridge. I guess I should grab some salt in one hand and the pineapple with the other. Maybe I will attack it with a vengeance. Wish me luck

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

How McDonald's Ruined My Non-Diet

First off, I'm not on a diet. I may be on a see-food diet (I see food and I eat it.... that was lame, sorry). But I'm not on any strict dietary practice. I eat whatever the heck I want. Mostly I try to avoid fried and greasy foods but that's mostly because they don't agree with my body and make me quite ill.

So anyhow, the story is that today (after dinner) my brother offered to buy me McDonald's. Naturally, I said "yes". Maybe I said "hells yeeah". Let's not make this into some kind of inquisition now, shall we?

Right now, all I can feel is my heavy, heavy gut sitting on my bulging tummy that's making a soothing gurgling noise like an old reliable automobile. Oh, and my heart is about to stop altogether.

Today I had one medium "coffee" milkshake. And an Angus Burger (the bacon and cheese one). One of these:
I wondered what kind of caloric binge I went on. So I Googled it, because that's how I find out anything in life these days (gone are the days of the arduous trips to the scholarly library with a side of extra caloric burning). Anyway, I found this site from McDonald's where you drop in your menu items from a list and (which I admit is kinda fun).

You know what? go try it out. I had a medium coffee milkshake and a bacon & cheese angus burger. Go ahead. Go try it out. I'll wait here... I already know the answer.

Did you do it?

I had just consumed, in less than 15 minutes or so, a whopping 1490 Calories!!! That's insane. That's like a whole day's worth of calories right there. I had an alarming 61g of fat... which is 94% of my daily allowance should I assume I eat 2000 today (I'm way over 2000 today btw).

I guess there's only two options now. Throw up or work it out. Since I hate to waste food, I'll work out more.............. tomorrow :D

Thursday, April 07, 2011

Vancouver Water Safe... for now...

I don't remember when I first heard that fluoride was bad for your health. But it's not something we talk about often in Vancouver, at least not for our younger generation.

But once upon a time, Vancouver was close to fluoridate its water supplies (like the rest of Canada). Then I started to read on why some people are for and against it.

Mostly, the "for" people are saying that it's good for preventing cavities (which has been proven). But then the "against" people are saying that's not the debate. The debate is that it's a toxin that's more poisonous than lead.

Lead? That's scary.

I guess it's also scary to know that fluoride is a poisonous by-product of manufacturing plants. And that many scientists (like the one in this anti-fluoride video shows).

The video says that some countries fluoridate (mostly US, Canada... except Vancouver for now, and Australia). But other countries like most of Europe doesn't fluoridate.

So what does this have to do with us? I'm just considering throwing out my toothpastes... but are there any that's not fluoridated?

Also what happens when I travel in Canada? I thought the water was safe and good for drinking, but I might have to budget in for bottled (distilled water) instead now.

I just don't like the fact that our politicians are the ones to decide if our population should be "treated" or not. I think it's not something that I trust them to do (they are not scientists, they are not researchers on the subject of fluoride, dentistry or more importantly toxicology).

It makes me feel like we don't have control over these basic matters of personal health anymore and that our government is like "Big Brother" of 1984. I don't know why they would need to fluorinate the water when our toothpastes and most products like that already contain the product!

Also, why add it to DRINKING water??? I know that I for one I just drink water and I don't gargle it in my mouth for the fluoride to kill all the caries! Isn't that what mouthwash (another controversial product) is for?

I'm just glad I live in Vancouver right now. But this really does restrict ones movement within the country doesn't it? And I didn't even mention all the strange re-licensing for cars and things that it involves!

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Parents Against Bullying Makes Sense

I think bullying is horrible and I'm all for anti-bullying movements in schools. But it seems like people naturally think that all forms of bullying come from other children. This is simply NOT TRUE.

Today on the Skytrain, I observed this young man with his child (a toddler around 4 or 5) getting on the Skytrain in front of me. When the train got closer, I saw this man KICK the child towards the door. I wasn't sure if what I saw was correct or if I had some weird perspective that made me see it wrong. There was definitely leg movement up and it hit the child (albeit not that hard). Maybe it's the same kick/nudge I use for my dog when he's on leash and his brain goes stupid and he crosses in front. But I do that to my dog to warn him that he could get stepped on, it's never that hard and he's a dog... not a child.

Well whatever it was, they headed back towards the seat beside me but behind. It was in that little cubby place at the end of the train.

I look over a bit (just to memorize his face, incase I had to open a can of whoop-ass on him). And I saw him texting. He was speaking nicely to his son to sit down and becareful. At that time, my defenses start to decline, and my urge to kill was nil.

Then suddenly I heard this hissing voice yelling (like someone yelling hatefully) toward the child. I look over and the dad is clearly annoyed that the son is trying to vie for his attention as he was focused on his iPhone and god forbid, he actually took care of the child.

What the hell was that? I asked myself. This child was like no more than 4 years old. Obviously kids are annoying. From what I understand, children are suppose to be annoying. They are annoying until they move out of your house. I've never heard any parents use that kind of voice towards a child, especially not one at that age.

Now I don't want to get all judgmental on him. Maybe he was really really close to getting 3 stars on Angry Birds, maybe his wife just left him and he's emotionally unstable. But what I saw was a bit scary and reminded me of a lot like the parent was a bully. And I can't help but judge him as a BULLYING PARENT.

Am I being overly sensitive? No.

Should I, in hindsight, have kicked the dad's ass in? Yes.

But really, what are your takes on this???

Too Many Posts Not Enough Memory

I have this problem with blogging that I've been experiencing for a while now. It seems that whenever I'm not at the computer, I get a good idea about something I should blog about. But by the time I get to actually logging into Blogger and getting my password correct (after a few tries), I've completely forgotten about what it is I wanted to blog about.

Now I know my sucky memory isn't something new. I've had it for a few years now (namely after I finished school and I've relegated my brain to the back of my mind). But Blogging sure didn't require anything from my brain, or so I thought.

I am beginning to think that maybe I should find a way to use it more. But I have to admit that I hate to just sit down in one place and read. I  was never very good at that. Whenever I had lots to study, I'd always bring it on a stationary bike or make flashcards that I can memorize while I'm doing something else that was a bit more active.

I wonder if anyone has any good suggestions on how to improve my memory or at least improve it enough so I have topics to blog about when I come back at it.

And did everyone enjoy the manatee video from yesterday? It was possibly the most musically appreciative thing I've seen in a while.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Fat Teas

I was reading the Vancouver Sun the other day and they had an article that said scientists have discovered that milk may negate the slimming effects of drinking tea.

Boo-hoo. This is a sad day for all those English teas (like Earl Greys & English Breakfast) because those teas definitely SUCK without milk (or copious amounts of sugar, I don't need a degree in nutrition to tell you "sugar" spells "spare tires").

I guess this article comes to no surprise to all those people who love their morning mistos from starbucks because I've tried that drink before and it's like a tenth brewing of a regular cup of Earl Grey plus half the sugar and milk that goes into a slice of cake. Although that might sound like a positive review (coming from me), it's actually not. That tea is a surprising cup of disappointment and poor taste (sorry, misto fans, I have to stay true to my buds... taste-buds). 

Anyway, just thought you all should know my feelings towards certain teas because that's what's important on thursdays (not radioactive rain from Japan, not the strange police database that records wrong info on citizens).

 This is another day to raise my cup of Chinese teas (my mom being awesome that she is, has brought lots of Pu-erh, which looks like "poo" in cake form... see below)

How can I not love this stuff?

Monday, March 28, 2011

Have a Hobbit Monday!

Hobbit spotting number... I'm not sure.

I've spotted people previously who remind me of hobbits but I didn't have a blog back then to record my observations and findings.

The things you see on a bus. Most days, the strangest thing I see on transit is a can collector (which, if you know Vancouver, isn't all that strange a sight at all). But today was different. Today was my day. Yes, my day to spot a hobbit.

He had very round cheeks (a bit rosy, not from running or any exersion because he was sitting down and reading). He had a frilly cap of red hair (everyone knows that not all hobbits have red hair, but all red hair people are hobbits... I might be very wrong here). He had fat little fingers that wrapped around his novel. And also, the fattest thighs to ever try to squeeze into those small bus seats we have.

It was awesome! I wish I had a camera with me just show I could show you what I mean. And I wish I also had the balls to take out a camera to take a picture of this guy (I'd tell him it was for my blog. No, not a fashion blog, but one about hobbits).

Anyway, this is a great start to the week. If I see any other magical creatures, I'll keep y'all posted.

Have a Hobbit Monday :D

Monday, March 21, 2011

Best Bagels

Yesterday was lovely unlike today (but I admit that today's rainy weather is definitely much less intimidating as it provides ample excuse for an unproductive monday). So it was necessary that I go out of doors to get myself a good (free) dosage of vitamin D.

It's been a long time since I've had bagels, and my boyfriend (being the foodie that he is) decided we should go to a bagel shop to get ourselves some snobbishly good bagels. We decided to go to Seigel's. It was a small little store with nothing but bagels.

My boyfriend, who has no training in weight watchers or other forms of portion control diet, decided that we should get a dozen bagels so that we can munch on them during our walk and still have some leftover for the next day.

A few blocks and Starbuck's Tazo Earl Greys (which is disappointing as always) we had finished about half the bagels.

That's right. We finished six deliciously addictive bagels with salmon and garlic cream cheese. Justifiably we had quite the long walk since we went from Granville & Broadway down to the seawall, then went all the way along the seawall, then back up to Alma & Broadway and walked the whole way back to Granville.

By the time we got back home, we were all bageled out. So we had two more and now our "dozen bagel bag" looks hopelessly sad on the counter.

I guess this means we should finish these last four today.

Anyway, I don't know what my point is. I think I am just trying to give you a warning about bagels and how they can foil any dietary plans (especially ones that try to keep your carbs down) because they are hopelessly addictive (especially if you get them from Seigel's and not the supermarket).

I'm just going to roll over and eat these other bagels before I start my day. Happy Monday, everyone.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

No Apologies. No Cells for Lend

Today when I was walking my dog, I was approached by a guy in his late teens/early twenties asking to borrow my phone.

As I was approaching, he looks kind of shady already but that could just be because he's dressed in baggy jeans and a sweatshirt and not very professional.

In any case. I didn't have my phone so my automatic answer was. Sorry dude, walking the dog here and don't have my phone. He looked a bit annoyed and so I suggested maybe he borrow the phone from the local community police (because they are just around the corner and they have phones to use for free).

He immediately walked faster away and was like mumbling something so I asked him what he said (I felt confrontational anyway). He repeated that he's waiting for a friend and needs to call him.

I walked away. Dog was walked and when I got home I remember that my friend had her new phone stolen months ago when she lent it to a young guy who needed to "call his mom" but had instead ran off with it. I became kind of suspicious that the guy waiting for his friend could remember his phone number (who in the world these days remember their friend's phone number anyway? I know I sure don't. Also, it was suspicious that he didn't use a pay phone or borrow one from the coffee shop that was a block away.

So I searched the internet and I found that there are many scams people do with borrowed cell phones (you can check it out here). I guess that means that next time someone wants to borrow my phone, I'll have to say no, even if it means that I've just been talking on it and they see that I have one. Because I don't care if they run away with my crappy old phone, I just don't want to get signed up to some spam that will waste all my airtime!

Too bad you just can't trust people these days. Oh well, I guess the thing to take away here is that you should never forget to bring your phone with you because the chances that people will risk lending you a phone should be close to zero, which is understandable I guess.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Earthquake in Japan Shaking Our Reality

The huge earthquake that happened in Japan this week is a reminder to Vancouverites to be prepared.

I for one am not prepared. I don't have dried goods or water to last me the first 3 days of surviving should I become trapped. And I don't have a first aid kit (i'm not sure if I even remember how to use it in any way that would be useful during a natural disaster).

Then again, I'm kinda putting that off because I figure that if the big one really hits, I won't make it anyway.

That's because I haven't heard anything about Vancouver being really conscious about earthquake proofing our buildings. I live in a concrete condo and this is scary because I don't think this building is earthquake proof. And I know that in an earthquake these buildings will come tumbling down.

So now I ask, how am I going to prepare myself then? There's no way I can change my building's structure. Should I move away? But of course all those options need lots of money... lots and lots of money. So I guess when an earthquake comes, my first thing to do is just to try to get the hell out because if I fall, I'm sure it's a long way down.

How does everyone else feel about this?

Friday, March 04, 2011

A Spoiler Alert!

This post is just going to be a hate-on for this fictional family in the movie 28 Weeks Later. I recently re-watched this sequel to 28 Days Later, to dilute the effects of a horrible movie with Nicolas cage (that's not even worth mentioning here on my blog).

Anyway, you should stop reading here if you plan on watching 28 Weeks Later (which I recommend you watch if you like your zombies real scary) because this isn't really a review at all, but more like a rant on a stupid fictional family because I just hated them in the movie (yes, I've used the word hate quite a few times now and I know it ain't zen).

So this movie starts out with a couple (husband & wife) trying to survive in a farm house and they're trapped in there with other strangers who have come together to hide from what you soon find out are zombies from a strange and incurable "rage virus" (or as I call it, Zombie flu). So everyone is having dinner and having a nice little argument about whether or not this jerk should keep telling this stupid girl that her boyfriend is already dead because he ventured out a few days ago. He was a real jerk, so I'm glad he dies. But before it gets to that, there's the man and the woman (the couple) and they seem all loving and shit, but the woman has the kind of personality that makes me wonder how the hell she survived to get to this barn because as soon as she hears banging on the door, she wants to go get it. Plus, now there's a child begging for them to open up. Of course, the rest of the gang just sit there and stop offering any input, and the guy is like, no, let's not let the zombie flu in. But of course, he caves because how else are they going to get into shit in a zombie outbreak but to open up to take strangers in. Needless to say, their stupid action got everyone else killed, and it shows that the man leaves his wife screaming for help in the attic of the barn house as he's running away all chicken shit.

Ugh. I didn't like the wife so it wasn't a great loss to me when I watched this, but now I definitely don't like the guy either, but part of me was like, it's OK. He might die. So the story now follows that this man's children were deported and for some reason (unknown) and USA decides they will be the boss of everyone and sends these deportees back to Britain (because you know, THAT sounds safe to do so soon after a mysterious outbreak of Zombie flu). And with the US Army and the way they are always depicted in these zombie movies, they screwed this up big time (or there'd be no movie).

Anyway, the man's kids get out of the detainment area because they're punks (hating them already). And they see their zombie mom in their old house (that's just great *eyeroll*). And the weird thing is that she isnt' a zombie yet but of course she's not communicating because of the shock I guess, so the army lifts everyone back to the detainment area but under quarantine. That just doesn't seem like a smart thing to do, so the whole time I'm like "wtf people, wtf". Of course this family doesn't stop bad shit from happening yet, because the dad has access magically since he works as a janitor in the "new city" that he gets to go into the room where they've quarantined the wife. And this is the scariest part of any zombie movie I've seen, and also like both touching and stupid at the same time. Very stupid. He kisses her and of course, turns CRAZY, and like after some bloody gruesome scenes later, she's dead and he's this mad zombie king that dashes out and reeks havock on the whole city.

So just after you think that this family can't cause no more trouble after that with the whole city dead, they saved the kids (those stupid punk kids), who are also somehow carriers like their mother, and they airlift them away. And of course this movie ends with Paris all in zombie flu mode.

Yep, this zombie movie has been the hardest to watch in a very long time. No, it was good. I liked it because it was scary and very very graphic. But this family.


This is one of those movies that makes me just wanna go into the movie and shoot them myself. Talk about a rage virus.

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Chips, You Make Me Sick

Nope. Chips isn't a person. I'm talking about real chips (not the British version, though sometimes they do too). But I find that potato chips and tortilla chips always make me sick.

Chips are my kryptonite.

It seems like there really is no plausible explanation for it except that there might really be something in these deep fried foods that just makes my body give up on living completely. I sort of figured this out already throughout my life that whenever I partake in the chip eating and partying, I usually got sick. When I was younger, I never believed my mother when she told me that I can't have chips, so I'd go off to some birthday party, load up on the good stuff and come home pretending I was all good. But inevitably the next day would mean that I would have a sore throat or a fever or a combination of the two.

On Monday, I went boozing with my friend in broad daylight. Well, not super broad daylight. It was after 1pm and it was a nice day out, so naturally, we went to get some beer at the Granville Island brewery. But they don't have real food there, they only have chips and other things of the like. And since I didn't particularly feel like being an elephant shelling peanuts with my beer, I decided to go for the ol' chip & salsa. I was hoping that it wouldn't affect me, but by the afternoon of that same day, I could feel the top of my palate getting sore.

Shit. So now I've been having this crazy painful swollen palate for a whole two days now, and I'm not seeing it go away anytime soon either. Why must I always succumb to the temptations of chips? I know they are bad for me, but sometimes, I just want to live like a normal person!

I bet this is what Superman must have felt like.

Fashion Fiend

Ugh. Fashion. I knew I should never have been sucked into The Sartorialist for its pretty pretty pictures of people who dress all interesting and cool. Nah, it's still an awesome blog. But the contents got kinda heavy for what I expected.

I read from The Sartorialist, that John Galliano (of Dior) made racial slurs and was suspended from his role as head designer. At first, people were in disbelief and quite a lot of people just couldn't believe it was true.

But now, there's this video of him saying these nasty things (they are pretty bad) from this article in The Sun. (Thank you, technology). It's quite sad and there were lots of people who commented on The Sartorialist's update article saying how it was mental illness, or how he was drunk. But I don't think it's excusable.

I mean, we've all  been drunk before.  But how many of us will say this kind of stuff? It's pretty serious and very hurtful. I mean, most of the time when we're drunk, we might do stupid things or even fight with people, but I don't know how someone can just spew racial slur like that if they weren't already a racist to start with.

So to all the people who are super compassionate about the whole thing, I will have to say that I can't agree with that. I don't think being drunk or saying it's a mental illness is any sort of excuse to racism. Also, being an artistic genius doesn't excuse anything and being under high stress of being head designer (and living your dream job boo-hoo) is certainly no excuse!

If anything, I think John Galliano should serve time because there's a law in France and if he doesn't then it really shows that being a head designer means you're above the law and that isn't right. The good thing is that at least he's apologized but I'm really not sure if he's forgivable given what horrible things he has said and how so many people looked up to him.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Old Friends

Today I get to hang out with an old friend of mine who I haven't seen in a long time. The sad thing is that she lives around the city still, so she's not like an old friend who is out of province which makes hanging out pretty much impossible (although I am fortunate one of my old friends visited just recently from Newfoundland).

I find it is hard sometimes to arrange a time to hang out when everyone has their own lives to lead and things just get busy sometimes. I get that. Sometimes, just everyday living gets in the way of doing things that you really want to do. So to arrange two people's lives so that there's some time to get together is really difficult.

This hangout was arranged about a month ago. It was full of uncertainty since it was so far away. I had worries like, will I get sick? Will she get sick? What if I got a job (as if)? What if she forgot she had something important to do? What if her day off from work got switched around? But today is finally here, and aside from being a little gassy (and having a general need to over share), I'm feeling pretty OK.

Actually, I'm pretty darn excited! I'm glad that I get to see an old friend because life is so uncertain that you just don't know when you get to see them again the next time. Maybe their life will take them away from where you live, or maybe your life will take you to other places. I am just glad that I get to hang out with friends when I have the chance.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Flower and Milk Make Good Candies

Flowers and milk are both delicious flavours for candies.

Who knew?

Well obviously the Japanese and most of Asia knows about this "secret".

Last Friday, I went with a friend to a two dollar store. Yes, a high-end dollar store that sells Japanese things that's weird, random and delightful.

In the store they have a section that sells candies, so I decided to pick up two kinds of candies that I haven't had since my childhood. First is the flower candy, that can only be described as uniquely feminine in flavour... if there can be a feminine vs. masculine candy out there, this candy would be the feminine candy.

The second candy, is this milky delicious candy, that is not quite like vanilla ice cream, and not quite like a latte. Yes, not very helpful, but I give it all all thumbs up.

Needless to say, there are only a few candies left lying around by today.  I'm really worried that I haven't got dental insurance, but not worried enough to stop eating them though. So do I have to say again that I really recommend you try them? Maybe. Maybe not. But really, you have to try them!

I forgot how much Asian candies are better in so many ways then the North American candies that I normally love and consume. They are so innovative and strange in flavour. They are also very delicious too even though they sound like a weird idea at first.

To finish off this post, I will leave you with a picture that's worth a thousand visits to the dentists.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Trying a Seascape

It's a bit wrinkly but that's cause I tried it on paper.

Anyway... it's a bit messed up looking hahahha but ok for a first attempt right? Lol

Criminals Dress Code.

Yesterday, The Province posted some most wanted criminals that you can read about here. As I was looking at the pictures in the paper, I suddenly realized that wow. These people DO look like criminals (except for maybe one of them). They certainly have a "criminal" look to them that movies and TV shows would depict as criminals.

Now, sometimes on the buses, I see people who look like they are criminals. And I am definitely judging a book by its cover, but I don't feel very comfortable when I see them, because I think I just assume that they are criminals.

Is that unfair?

Most definitely. But I do this, and when I'm aware of it, I don't feel any less comfortable around them. Is there something wrong with me? Or is this natural?

I wonder if any one else does this too.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Lolz Cat Does Good Again

Hilarious? I think so.

Welding Rhymes with Melting. Sort of.

Today I tried welding both with the MIG and with the oxy-acetylene welder. And I must say. It's not as easy as those guys make it look on TV.

I did pretty well even though I was sort of afraid. Mostly I am afraid of flames, fire and heat. So I really do think that welding is like therapy for me. But it's strange because part of me is like a moth because it's totally attracted to flames too. I'm sure someone can psychoanalyze me real good just from that but really, I think a lot of us have that. There's something we're kinda afraid of but also attracted to at the same time. For me, it's fire and flames. For someone else it might be heights and bungee jumping.

It feels good to do something new and something that you're not quite certain that you're capable of doing. It's a good feeling and I get this high from it. It could also be all the fumes in the metal shop. But I like to just think that it's the thrill of doing something that I was afraid of, and coming back out the other end unharmed.

Well, I guess I won't be sleeping until late tonight. I'm certainly going to ride this high feeling for a bit longer because as I'm getting older, I feel that I don't have this feeling nearly as much as when I was younger! I can see why they say some people keep doing new things to stay young because I think this is the feeling of youth.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Love this

Following Your Passion

Lately it seems like all my art instructors were talking about following your passion. Of course that makes sense. That is what they actually chose to do with their lives. They are the brave ones. They are the ones who didn't let other people's "art will never make you a living" get in their way.

There are so many times when people get scared. And they get scared into taking those jobs that they don't like because it's secure or it's OK. I've been there before. It's not like the job was actually horrible (nothing about having to kill any animals). But it wasn't anything that I really wanted to do. It seems like a lot of the people I worked with also had other things they rather do as well. But instead of doing those things, they were like me, stuck in this boring job day in and day out. Maybe because of this fear of not having work and money. Or maybe it's the fear of being regarded as one of the crazy folks chasing a dream for the rest of their lives.

I am a bit confused as to where I stand right now. On one part, I'm looking for a job. On the other part, I am doing what I love during my free time now. All I know is I keep getting this nagging voice that tells me to "get a job" or that "the pressure is on". Of course if this voice lasted for more than 10 minutes then I would go mental. Usually now I find it easier to ground my thoughts again. I don't know if it's the practice of all the art I've been doing, which requires me to concentrate more than ever like meditation or if it's because I'm just getting better at redirecting my thoughts these days.

So where does everyone else stand on this point in life? Are you doing anything you are passionate about? Do you find them for yourself during your busy work days to do what you love? Or have you already made your career about your passion?

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Super Sunny Sundays. And how people should learn to walk better.

Today was wonderful out! I wished I didn't have to be inside and I wished that I had a chance to avoid Granville Island (even though it is one of my favorite places in Vancouver).

I love Granville Island because it's quaint and has lots of interesting shops and most of the shops have people who care about what they do. And I love Granville Island because there are so many studios and the location is right by the sea. It really can't be beat on a lovely sunny day such as this. But unfortunately, with a lovely location, you have crowds. And with crowds, you have your morons.

I really can't stand people who don't know how to walk. It's not that they stumble and fall and don't know how to do it. It's just that these people don't understand it's necessary to let people walk pass them in the opposite direction.

So these morons I encountered were walking from the opposite in a group of three. There's nothing wrong with that but these guys decided to side by side on a narrow strip of wood pathway that really fits only three people across. They ended up blocking all the people behind them by walking ridiculously slow and moving so sporadically that nobody knew how to pass them. Heck, that's not really my problem, but as I approached from the opposite side, they showed no signs of changing their formation. On my side, there was traffic, so really, I couldn't tuck further to my side. I had no curb to step on. I was trapped. Yes, trapped in an idiot walk off.

I had to think quick. So I needed to use what I have with me. Luckily for me, I had a canvas in my arm. I started swinging it quite strongly.

All of a sudden, the formation changed and the guys decided to let me pass after all! Voila. Just like that I was safe. So what, if it had to resort to a threat of physical violence from my part. I was safe.

I'm sure there's a lesson to be learned somewhere in here. I'm not sure if the lesson is to always carry something that can do some damage (even on a Sunny day in a lovely place like Granville Island), or if it is to not let walking bullies push you into oncoming traffic.

All I know is that on a lovely day like today, my art practice saved my life.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Getting All Tao on Y'all

I was rummaging through blogs and I found this. Enjoy!

Fill your bowl to the brim 
and it will spill.

Keep sharpening your knife
and it will blunt.

Chase after money and security
and your heart will never unclench.

Care about people's approval
and you will be their prisoner.

Do your work, then step back.
The only path to serenity.

Lao-tzu (551-479 BC)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Why Doris Hates (the idea of) Vegetarianism (especially in restaurants)

I don't eat vegetarian. Ever.

That's not true. I do. And I did.

Yesterday, I tried a vegetarian place with some good friends of mine for lunch. And they can tell you that I ate a veggie burger (with peanuts in it). I know. How frightful!

Quite frankly, I hate vegetarian food. Actually, that's not really true either. I don't mind food that's actually vegetarian as long as they don't advertise it as such. Does that even make sense? Maybe not. So let me explain, because I did a lot of thinking on this yesterday, after I ate that disgustingly dry piece of cardboard vegetable shit...

The idea of having to eat vegetarian just repulses me. I don't know if it's because I feel like I'm being restricted or if I really just want to eat some animals during my lifetime here. It's probably the latter. I like the idea of eating poor innocent animals that can't help themselves but be so tasty. That's right, I'm a sociopath of sorts and here's your first clue should you one day want to use this against me.

It's strange that when I eat things that are really just vegetarian, but not advertise as such, I don't get as repulsed by it. Maybe it does have something to do with losing my freedom or feeling like I'm on a diet. Or maybe it's because places that serve real vegetarian food without advertising it, actually make it tasty because they don't rely on the word "veggie" to sell their product.

Either way, I know I hate the idea of being restricted when I eat. This will probably explain why I can never follow any religion full-heartedly because most religions have some rules on when you can or can't eat right? I am not sure yet about the Christians, but having to eat turkey on Thanksgiving is a sort of diet in itself isn't it?

Anyway, I hate diets. The connotations of that word brings up nothing but images of thin-again-and-fat-again Oprah and juice-guzzling old men with more musculature than a doped up Arnold. It's the kind of craze that makes skinny people want to be thinner and fat people want to be thinner. Although, I think a few days of dieting makes fat people want to eat the skinny people due to the faulty logic of if I eat something that's fat free (skinny person) then I will ultimately lose weight (not true).

So really, I think I don't like the idea of vegetarianism because I've linked it to the world of "dieting" and trying to be healthier (but in fact, trying to lose weight). But that's my personal issue with vegetarianism. I know lots of people are vegetarians for lots of different reasons and some of them might not be lying. But I bet lots of them want to be skinny off this effort too. And if I want to be skinny, of course I'll eat "vegetarian" because so many restaurants don't do it right that it's really hard to finish your food.

This brings me to the next point, which is vegetarian food that's not advertised as such, usually tastes better. Now of course, the neurotic-paranoid-conspiracy theorist in me say that it's probably just because they add chunks of beef in it instead of beans and chunks of chicken to replace what they call soy, but assuming that's not so, I think it's got to do with advertising.

For most restaurants to sell their food, unless it's hockey night in Vancouver and they've got a big-screen TV, they really need to make it tasty. But it seems like there aren't that many vegetarian plates on menus of most restaurants, so when they do, they don't need to do it right to sell it. All they have to do is slap on the word: Vegetarian, and they're bound to sell a good amount of it. Now I'm not sympathizing with vegetarians, God forbid I do that, but I'm just saying that most places don't need to cater to veggie taste buds because unlike us blessed omnivores, we can't say that the veggie burger at "Jim's Dinner" is shit, so we'll order a juicy succulent meaty burger instead.

To make my point, I have to confess that I actually ate vegetarian food last night too. That's right folks, for the first time here, I've admitted to going a whole day without any sort of meat (I don't think I even had any eggs in my food unless that veggie burger for lunch was held together by eggs.. that would explain the dryness). I had rice, with pickled cucumbers and this greasy-goodness called Korean seaweed. I also had some pan-friend tofu with sweet soy sauce and a perfectly crunchy and delectable dish of bok-choy in black bean sauce. Now, here you might say that I'm just a great chef. To that I admit, but I didn't make this meal myself. My boyfriend, who may or may not have previous cooking experience, did all the work.

I know I'm not very good at seeing if things are vegetarian (are T-bone steaks vegetarian, because they T is really not like meat right?) but I'm sure my dinner was vegetarian. And quite frankly, it was a really good meal. Everything had flavour, nothing was unnecessarily grainy or "granola" tasting. Granted, I might not have gotten as much fiber as my cardboard burger, but it's nothing that a glass of Metamucil (or for you with more expensive tastes, Greens+) won't fix.

Anyway, I think next time I go out, I'll definitely be avoiding the vegetarian foods, but maybe if not for the points above, it's for the fact that when you change your diet, things happen in your stomach that you really don't want to talk about. So for now, I'll open a window, eat a steak for breakfast and hope for a better tomorrow.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Hallmark Day!

When I was younger I thought that Hallmark made up Valentine's Day and nothing but some huge marketing ploy. Although my suspicions haven't completely subsided, I think now that St.Valentine's Day is not all that bad. For sure, the chocolate, card, and giant stuff animal manufacturers are going to capitalize on this holiday, but then so do they for everything else like Christmas and Easter. It doesn't mean that we have to stop celebrating it. But maybe we can stop buying the merchandise and just spend time with the ones who are important instead.

Of course, this is easier said than done especially when they seem to bombard us with their advertisements (it's like even our local drugstores have turned into theme based stores for most days of the year). And maybe buying some products won't be so horrible (especially if we're talking about those mini Cadbury Eggs for Easter... mmm). But nobody is really forcing us to buy anything really.

As a matter of fact, I still remember the days when I was young and single and carefree... I'm thinking of third grade... when we didn't really buy anything for Valentine's Day. And we weren't really celebrating lovers, because at that age, it would be more than weird. It was just another day where we got an excuse to have some fun and take a break from learning that multipication table (btw I'm still on break from that after more than 17 years). 

So for this Valentine's Day maybe it's time to pull out that old box of Crayolas, some long forgotten & faded construction paper and a whole lot of glitter glue. So happy Valentine's to everyone. And I'll see you all some time next week because I will be in some chocolate/sugar induced coma by tomorrow night after I go clear out the Post-Valentine section of the local chocolate store!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Ugh, Art Class

Some days I love art class. And on other days, I don't feel like I can muster up enough energy to go. All I feel like is "UGH, Art class". Of course, when I'm already there and doing the stuff, I don't feel bad at all. So what is wrong with me?

Is this something that I learned to do like the way I learned to hate going to school? Maybe it's years of watching the TV shows/movies that say it's OK to whine and bitch about going to school. For example, there were countless times when I was a child, when I could watch another child getting ready for school and whining to their parents about how they don't want to go. Or better yet, they fake that they are sick so they don't have to go to school.

I somehow think that my behaviour is a learned behaviour. I don't see how it would make sense for me to think about school (of all schools, art school) as UGH. My former fat child self would slap myself if she saw me today bitching about going to something fun. "F*** man", she'd say, "You're going to f*cking paint for a few hours, BOO F*cking HOO". I was formerly an angry sort of fat child.

Anyway, I'm going to stop thinking like this. Next time I get that thought, I'll correct myself and tell myself to stop being a whiny little bitch. And if I don't stop, I will slap myself. I've always wanted to slap other whiny little bitches I've been around... especially those who complain about free food.

Some of you will know what I mean. But I used to work in this office where the people were nice enough to get you free cake for your birthday. Then one day these whinny bitches came along and complained that there's just TOO MUCH free cake. Yeah. I'm still angry about that. My inner fat angry child is definitely holding onto this grudge. Seriously. Who the f***... you get my point.

I'm not sure if any of you have felt like this before. I'm sure you have once or twice. Come on, admit it! If you haven't then that's good for you. I need to learn to be more like you.

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Puzzling Frame of Mind

Remember how I talked about puzzling? Of course you don't. So this is the link to that post.

Anyway, it was finished a while back. And naturally, life got in the way. No, it didn't. I'm lying. I just forgot to post the results.

So now the natural thing to do is to take it apart right? NO! Who in their right mind would go through the pain of rebuilding this again?

Anyone know how to put a puzzle in a frame? I have a general idea on what to do but I'm not sure if anyone else has experience they can share. If you do, shoot them this way, because I have a feeling the procrastinator in me will need at least a good year or so before I get around to actually framing it. For now, it can have all the space it wants!

Monday, February 07, 2011

Vancouver's Bus system sucks. Translink

I don't need to tell people in Vancouver about this.

If you've had to transit around in Vancouver for at least 6 months, you would be able to accumulate enough horror stories of your own.

If you've transited as long as I have, you can write a book.

I wonder how long it will be before there will be any change. A large part of me says that this system (however shitty) is here to stay. There's no way you can make those bus drivers like their jobs more. You can pay them more but I don't think that's what makes people nicer.

I always wonder why people with zero to none customer service or "working with the public" skills, end up in the driver seat. I wonder if something happened and someone made them become a driver? Maybe their family got sick, and they need lots of money and this was the only skill they had. I heard bus drivers don't make little. I don't know how much they make but they're part of a union and sure as heck make more than a lot of people.

So why are most of them so bitter? Or malicious (the lead foot drivers that jerk the whole bus... the ones who probably think, if I'm not happy on this bus, nobody's happy on this bus).

I guess that's why some of my seemingly "green" friends, don't end up taking transit and prefer to drive to places.

One day I will earn enough to have my own car so I don't have to be at the whim of these psychotic drivers!

If you want to read my Yelp review, it's here. To sum it up, the bus missed me. Yep. I didn't miss the bus, I was standing right there. But the bus missed me *sigh*

Unfair Comparisons.

I don't know about you. But every once in a while, I catch myself trying to compare what I have with others. And I become really anxious or uncomfortable and generally bitter. I try not to do this too much and usually I can catch myself in time. But yesterday was just not a good day because it went on and on in my mind. It was psychotic really.

So this morning, I went googled it (as I google everything else in life) and I came upon this blog. It's all about zen habits and such.

I found a section on it that says something about comparing ourselves to others. (And if you guessed it's not very zen to do it, then you'd be right). Here's what I took (word for word) from his site.

Breaking the Habit of Comparing Yourself With Others
So how do you break this cycle of comparing yourself with others? Here are some tips I’ve found useful:
  • Awareness. Most often we do these social comparisons without realizing we’re doing it. It’s a natural act, I suppose, and as a result it’s something that is done without consciousness. So the solution is to become conscious — bring these thoughts to the forefront of your consciousness by being on the lookout for them. If you focus on these thoughts for a few days, it gets much easier with practice, and soon it’ll be hard not to notice.
  • Stop yourself. Once you realize you’re doing these comparisons, give yourself a pause. Don’t berate yourself or feel bad — just acknowledge the thought, and gently change focus.
  • Count your blessings. A better focus is on what you do have, on what you are already blessed with. Count what you have, not what you don’t. Think about how lucky you are to have what you have, to have the people in your life who care about you, to be alive at all.
  • Focus on your strengths. Instead of looking at your weaknesses, ask yourself what your strengths are. Celebrate them! Be proud of them. Don’t brag, but feel good about them and work on using them to your best advantage.
  • Be OK with imperfection. No one is perfect — intellectually, we all know that, but emotionally we seem to feel bad when we don’t reach perfection. You aren’t perfect and you never will be. I certainly am not, and I’ve learned to be OK with that. Sure, keep trying to improve, but don’t think you’ll ever be the “perfect person”. If you look at it in a different way, that imperfection is what makes you who you are, you already are perfect.
  • Don’t knock others down. Sometimes we try to criticize others just to make ourselves look or feel better. Taking someone else down for your benefit is destructive. It forms an enemy when you could be forming a friend. In the end, that hurts you as well. Instead, try to support others in their success — that will lead to more success on your part.
  • Focus on the journey. Don’t focus on how you rank in comparison to others — life is not a competition. It’s a journey. We are all on a journey, to find something, to become something, to learn, to create. That journey has nothing to do with how well other people are doing, or what they have. It has everything to do with what we want to do, and where we want to go. That’s all you need to worry about.
  • Learn to love enough. If you always want what others have, you will never have enough. You will always want more. That’s an endless cycle, and it will never lead to happiness. No matter how many clothes you buy, no matter how many houses you own (seven, in the case of one famous candidate), no matter how many fancy cars you acquire … you’ll never have enough. Instead, learn to realize that what you have is already enough. If you have shelter over your head, food on the table, clothes on your back, and people who love you, you are blessed. You have enough. Anything you have over and above that — and let’s admit that all of us reading this blog have more than that — is more than enough. Be good with that, and you’ll find contentment.
And if you haven't visited his website, then here it is again: http://zenhabits.net/

I guess today, I will try to remember to do just that. Hopefully that means it will be a more peaceful day in my crazy mind!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Disgusting Story About Dog Abuse and Dog Sled Industries.

Argh. This news story really breaks my heart. It talks about how a man was ordered to put down a hundred sled dogs with guns, while other dogs where watching him do it.

I'm not making this up. I would have to be a very twisted person to even be able to come up with a story as cruel as this one. Here's the link to the global news story:


Well... what is my opinion? I'm sure you know I love dogs. I think they are like a gift from some kind of god. And right now all I can feel is this sick-to-my-stomach kind of feeling.

And I'm outraged too. Part of me wants to beat the crap out of the man who killed the dogs, and more importantly out of the company's staff of Outdoor Adventures, and owner (Joey Houssian). I bet if I sat across from that dude at the bar, I would probably lose it. I'm pretty even tempered and at times a coward, but this kind of news makes me ready for murder. Like hot blood boiling rage type of anger.

Part of me feels ashamed too. I always thought dog sledding would be so fun. It looks so fun. I didn't even think about how the dogs were treated. Luckily, I haven't done this thing on my bucket list first because I think the guilt would kill me.

I'm glad I know about this now, before I had a chance to give any of my money to such a disgusting creature as Joey Houssain and his vile company.

Great Song, Jack!

Just found this song now! I like it.

Pork Chops

Pork chops are awesome and delicious. So I went to Superstore to get some "anti-biotic free" ones. I'm not sure if it's some kind of gimmicky advertisement or what-not. But they were priced right so I got them.

Now the problem is, I have no idea how to cook them. I looked online first. And I found several sites just saying cook it at medium-high for however many minutes on one side then flip it and cook again on the other side and cook again at however many minutes. Sounds simple enough.

So I started doing that but then I saw underneath the label of the pork-chop packaging that you need to cook it to 140 Fahrenheit.

Panic! The stove is on, the pan is hot, and the chops are a sizzling. Now I find this info?

Ok, calm down, Doris. Calm down, I told myself.

So I turned the heat down a bit and went rummaging for a meat thermometer. Which is never found in the first place you look!

Anyway, I stuck the thermometer in and waited. And waited and waited. What the hell.

It stopped at 120F and just wouldn't budge. Ok... I thought, while holding it up with one hand and trying not to get splashed by the fat. I'll do this again in another spot. Maybe it's just the spot I have chosen.

So I did it again and by now the time is like double what the instructions online was. I'm getting pretty tired of holding that thermometer (still at 120F).

I have to say I'm pretty upset at this point and just decided to eat the chops. How I used to do anything was to see if it bleeds or not. And I haven't died so far.

I'm going to take the risk.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Sick Again! Stupid Diet for a Not-That-Stupid Person.

I think my diet needs a bit of a HUGE change. I went to Denny's yesterday and had sausage, bacon and eggs. And also this greasy pancake. In the afternoon I had coffee (which usually doesn't agree with me, but I love coffee). Then at night I had soup (not too bad, it had veggies) and I also had a sandwich (on white bread.. it was pretty bad).

I've been eating cheesecake too for the last few days (week) in a row.

Oh and also a pack of Hobnobs all to myself in the last two days. So really, I am not surprised. But I find it hard to eat healthy! It's a lot more work and it doesn't taste good.

I should have made my resolution: eating better. Or maybe something specific, like eating 5 servings of vegetable a day. But I really don't think I have the tenacity to do it. Ok, maybe I do. So I guess from now on, I'll bore you with how I do with my diet... Please don't leave! Keep following me hahaha

Signing out,
Chronically bad eater

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

On the 99 B-Line Part 2 (B stands for Butt)

Ok. How should I begin this post? Hmm, let's see. I'll have to explain the 99 B-line bus. It is usually super crowded whenever it's rush hour or on weekends. So if you can find a seat, you usually try to sit down.

Unfortunately not all bus seats are created equal.

There are some notoriously dangerous places to sit down in because the people who are standing and crowding the bus can fall on you!

So anyway, yesterday I was on the bus and stuck in one of the "bad spots on the bus". Now this spot is all the way in the back, so it's not the worst spot on the bus compared to the ones where you're sitting in the front where the seats are low, the crowds are huge, and the handle bars are scarce.

Anyway, mine is that seat in the very back row where if you're in the middle, you have the chance of being stepped on by someone who is standing in the aisle directly in front of you.

This story is a bit traumatizing visually, so I think I best use my MS paint skills to show you what happened...

At first the bus wasn't loaded all the way up. So the guy, who I will call the Traumatizer, gets on the bus and holds onto the bar. No biggie. Nothing weird. He's standing there, albeit a little awkwardly because most people usually stand sideways so you can fit two rows of people in the back. But instead he chose to hold onto the both the bars and stand in facing the front. The way he's standing is not recommended because if the bus stops, he's less likely to be able to keep his balance... but it's not too disturbing. He's a guy who looks like he's relatively normal in size and shape so I'm not worried just yet.

But then he starts shifting his weight on one leg and backing up a bit more because at this point more people are trying to squeeze onto the bus. The disturbing part was that he shifted his weight SO much that one of his butt cheeks were actually sticking into my personal space. To make matters worst, this guy was fidgeting more and more while still holding onto his two poles.
And it just got worst and worst... until my view became nothing but this.
 And the only thing I could think of was whether he'll sit on my lap, or whether I had any bills to tip him with.

Seriously, it was the most uncomfortable bus ride I've had in a while. Granted you don't go onto the 99 B-line thinking of a comfortable ride, but surely this is a bit too extreme isn't it?

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Google "why can't I own a..."

I was just bored (as usual) and typed in "why can't I..." in google and it had an option of: "why can't I own a canadian?"

Interesting. So I clicked.

The first thing that came from this page was a link to:

It's a good letter. It's kind of in a humourous tone yet it is thought provoking and proves a good point. (see the end of the blog. I pasted it on there)

There's also a video on it... not sure which came first but both worth the visit. The West Wing episode is less funny than the letter though. Maybe it's the actor's interpretation.

In any case, I like this letter because it's a smart response to people who just throw out quotes from the bible like it's the answer to everything. Granted, there are some good lessons to be learned from the Bible (I think it teaches people to be nice in some parts right?). But I don't think promoting hate towards people is the point of religion. Then again, I might be wrong because I've never really studied religion and I'm definitely not Christian or Catholic or anything like that.

I'll paste it here if you don't want to go to the link yourself.

Why Can't I Own a Canadian?

October 2002

Dr. Laura Schlessinger is a radio personality who dispenses advice to people who call in to her radio show. Recently, she said that, as an observant Orthodox Jew, homosexuality is an abomination according to Leviticus 18:22 and cannot be condoned under any circumstance. The following is an open letter to Dr. Laura penned by a east coast resident, which was posted on the Internet. It's funny, as well as informative:
Dear Dr. Laura:
Thank you for doing so much to educate people regarding God's Law. I have learned a great deal from your show, and try to share that knowledge with as many people as I can. When someone tries to defend the homosexual lifestyle, for example, I simply remind them that Leviticus 18:22 clearly states it to be an abomination. End of debate. I do need some advice from you, however, regarding some of the other specific laws and how to follow them:
When I burn a bull on the altar as a sacrifice, I know it creates a pleasing odor for the Lord - Lev.1:9. The problem is my neighbors. They claim the odor is not pleasing to them. Should I smite them?
I would like to sell my daughter into slavery, as sanctioned in Exodus 21:7. In this day and age, what do you think would be a fair price for her?
I know that I am allowed no contact with a woman while she is in her period of menstrual uncleanliness - Lev.15:19- 24. The problem is, how do I tell? I have tried asking, but most women take offense.
Lev. 25:44 states that I may indeed possess slaves, both male and female, provided they are purchased from neighboring nations. A friend of mine claims that this applies to Mexicans, but not Canadians. Can you clarify? Why can't I own Canadians?
I have a neighbor who insists on working on the Sabbath. Exodus 35:2 clearly states he should be put to death. Am I morally obligated to kill him myself?
A friend of mine feels that even though eating shellfish is an abomination - Lev. 11:10, it is a lesser abomination than homosexuality. I don't agree. Can you settle this?
Lev. 21:20 states that I may not approach the altar of God if I have a defect in my sight. I have to admit that I wear reading glasses. Does my vision have to be 20/20, or is there some wiggle room here?
Most of my male friends get their hair trimmed, including the hair around their temples, even though this is expressly forbidden by Lev. 19:27. How should they die?
I know from Lev. 11:6-8 that touching the skin of a dead pig makes me unclean, but may I still play football if I wear gloves?
My uncle has a farm. He violates Lev. 19:19 by planting two different crops in the same field, as does his wife by wearing garments made of two different kinds of thread (cotton/polyester blend). He also tends to curse and blaspheme a lot. Is it really necessary that we go to all the trouble of getting the whole town together to stone them? - Lev.24:10-16. Couldn't we just burn them to death at a private family affair like we do with people who sleep with their in-laws? (Lev. 20:14)
I know you have studied these things extensively, so I am confident you can help. Thank you again for reminding us that God's word is eternal and unchanging.
Your devoted fan,

Monday, January 24, 2011

Neti Pots. Nasal Irrigation. Ear Infections Fears.

The "neti pots" is this thing where you put in a salt water solution and you kinda pour it into your nose to clean it all out. It's some kind of Indian thing... like a yoga thing. Anyway, I found it was good when I had really bad sinus problems... mainly a relief for allergies and general sinus problems.

Anyway, I was wondering if any one else here has tried it? I had good experience with this product. It feels like it washes out the allergens or something and relieves me of that uncomfortable feeling whenever allergy season strikes. Granted, it is not the sexiest tool on the planet. And it's not something you really just bring up at dinner. "Hey guys, guess what? I cleaned out my nose with large amounts of salt water for a week and my allergies are better! Who knew that water flowing through your nose and dripping out the other end can be more useful than my doctor?"

When I Googled "Neti Pot Danger". I found out that you can get an ear infection if the water goes through the wrong tube! I didn't know this. I've never had that  problem. Then I read another woman who was "warning" people about using it from "just" reading online or booklet instructions. She claims that you need a qualify teacher to teach you how to do it right.

Now, is it just me, or does it sound like they are trying to scare people on purpose? Do people like being scared? Because I've never had problems and all I did was "just" read the instructions that came with the nasal wash package! Sometimes I feel a little bit of caution and carefulness is enough for using products like this. But maybe I AM just naive, and some random ear infection is waiting to just pounce on me, when I least suspect it. Anyway, for now, I will just be sticking to these simple instructions from my booklet. Everyone wish me luck!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Taste Test: Glosette Raisins vs. Great Value Milk Chocolate Coated Raisins

The day before yesterday, (or was it really yesterday... doesn't matter) point is, I went to Wal-mart. Anyway, Wal-mart is an interesting place... they seem to have everything and then some. I perused around the whole shop and found all sorts of random. I didn't buy much except for candies and I decided that I would do a taste test of Glosette Raisins (by hershey) vs. "Great Value Milk Chocolate Coated Raisins".

The Great Value Milk Chocolate Coated Raisins (from herein to be called MCCR) tastes dramatically different from the Glosettes. MCCRs weren't bad but they just lacked the same flavour. 
The Glosettes tasted stronger more flavourful and had this nice "Glosette" aftertaste. Maybe it's just a sugary aftertaste mixed with whatever flavouring Hersheys adds, but it different.

If I had to pick which one is better, I would pick Glosettes. It could be because I prefer something sweeter and stronger in flavour or it could just be because I'm used to the way Glosettes tastes!

Anyway, next time you go to Wal-mart, maybe you can do a side by side comparison. And let me know how that went.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Best Animal Movie: The Adventures of Milo and Otis

Today we picked up a movie from the good ol'days where they used to film animal movies without using any real special effects with the computer. It's a movie about a pug (Otis) and his orange tabby friend (Milo) and their adventures as they get swept away from home.

The back of this film says it took 4 years to complete. 4 years!!! That's something you don't see often these days. Anyway, this movie was awesome. It had sentimental parts, scary parts, funny parts and thrilling parts.

I would recommend this to anyone who likes watching animals. Oh, and if you like Mrs. Doubtfire to read to you as he did for his children, this one is not to be missed.

Here's a link to IMDb:

Friday, January 21, 2011

Book I Am Reading: Janet Frame's Owls Do Cry

A few days ago I went to a used bookstore along Broadway, in South Granville and I found a book by Janet Frame.
When I was in University, my fiction prof introduced me to her other book: Yellow Flowers in the Antipodean Room. I thought that book was really hard to read because Janet Frame writes novels like poetry and at times there are no punctuations to help you and there are run-on sentences and things that make up trains of thought.

This book was no different, after I read the first chapter. I had to stop and go "WHAT?" and re-read. But you catch more each time and it's not hard to read in the sense that it's boring. It's hard to read because it's so absorbing and so interesting to try to pick out the meaning from some of her writing.

I love this woman! Her books are so raw and powerful and they bring this sense that you're connected and inside the people's heads. But maybe it's because all her characters are slightly messed up... such as Toby who has fits and Daphne who is now in a "dead room" (psych hospital)... I feel a little crazier after reading it but I like it. It's freeing!

I recommend this book. Maybe it won't be your cup of tea. You certainly can't read it if you're one of those people who have to be very grammatically correct (and full of yourself hahaha).

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Not Your Typical Birthday Lunch

For those of you who don't know. I volunteer at a place where people with disabilities live and call their home. I go in once in a while to do really fun things with them or do exercises or whatever. Easy stuff.
Today was one of my regular's birthday... really, I consider her a friend. So we went out to have lunch. And we invited another person to come along. The restaurant isn't very far away maybe 10 minutes walking distance away from the residence. But getting everything ready (like getting dressed in hats, gloves, toques and jackets) and waiting to take the bus and finally getting there took at least an hour. Being at the restaurant took another hour. And coming home was another hour or so, mostly waiting for the bus this time.
I had a great time at lunch and she had lots of fun. But it makes me appreciate the things I take for granted, like going out to grab a bite to eat with friends without having to really think about it or getting organized to make it happen. All I have to do is get dressed, jump on the bus and go. But for someone like my friend who needs help with things, you have to ask to see if anyone will go with you. Otherwise, it isn't very safe (or you won't feel very safe). And then you have to get helped getting yourself all ready to go. Plus you have to wait for a bus that has a lift and an area like that, and then you have to think about where you're going and if they have ramps or aisle that are wide enough to fit you. It's so much more complicated to do things. and I think God (or the Universe, or whoever I should thank).
I also wanted to thank one of the bus drivers that helped without even being asked. To the other bus driver who assumed because I was traveling with my friends on wheelchair that I know how to work the stuff, shame on you, and do your job next time!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Things To Do When Bored

I find that whenever I am bored, I am usually unhappy and this leads me to become even more bored but in a frustrated or angry way. So here's a list of easy things to do when bored:
1. Drawing/doodling. There's always time to work on your art. Even when I don't feel like it, this is a good one to do. Once I get started this one usually cheers me up and makes me focus.
2. Singing. I can't sing. Let's just say this one is more like listening to music but feeling like I have to add to some parts that I vaguely know... lyrics are usually butchered and the "music" would make hounds start howling along.
3. Walking. This one is the hardest one for me to do. When I'm bored, I really enjoy a walk, but usually it takes 2 to 10,000 people to get me out that door. I like how walking instantaneously makes me feel less anxious or bored or worried.
4. Making food. This probably the most physically rewarding. Yes, the trainers, physiologists and what have you health-people out there would probably be saying "hey, Doris, I think the exercise like walking that you mentioned above may be more beneficial". To them I say, "Shut-it". There's nothing more rewarding than food. Ever! Don't even try to talk to me about it. It's like telling a Christian fundamentalist that there's something more important than God. Yes, I am a fundamentalist foodie. So there's no use.
5. Painting. This one is rather different from drawing. It takes a bit more planning and supply gathering but once you start you really can't stop!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Monday Madness

Today I perused the "work" sections of Workopolis, Craigslist and Vancouver Job Shop. Much to my dismay, I'm either qualified for nothing or qualified for nothing. Let me explain. Most of the jobs I see either have things I don't have, ie. specific experience in specific fields or they pay next to nothing (and they still need a whole bunch of experience). Now I've been told before to just apply, as in, don't bother matching their requirements. Just apply and see what happens. I guess I am just not gutsy enough to do that. I feel like if I don't match the requirements, I shouldn't bother. Well... let's say it's just not working out for me.
Maybe I should just start applying. See what happens. Spam them? Embellish my resume??? I don't really know what it is I am suppose to do. There are so many people with so many suggestions as to what is the correct and incorrect way to seek a job that I feel like everyone is just saying what they feel like. Maybe I should just start doing that.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Disappointing Restaurant Find: Portobello on West Broadway (Vancouver)

Today, I looked forward to celebrating my friend's 25th birthday at Portobello. There were many times when I walked by that I wanted to try them, as the sign is bright red and the whole place just looks so classy when lit by candles.

But sometimes, life is full of plain old let downs. The visit was disappointing to say the least. Of the food between what my boyfriend and I got, the best part was the lukewarm tap water... which tied with their (supposedly "made in house") hazelnut cheesecake because it tasted store brought. That was about it.

Let's start with the main, my boyfriend's main was better than mine... he had pork medallion that was nothing special and nothing notable but just OK.  The gnocchi I got tasted like it was cooked in a sauce made from Campbell's canned soup! Not that I'm dissing that stuff but I sure as hell don't need to pay $16 and I didn't need to add the amount of salt I did just to give it enough flavour to boost it from "bland" status.

Now that we're on the topic of soups, the carrot soup tasted like a mush of carrots cooked in copious amounts of water. I hate to repeat the theme of BLAND here, but alas, I must. Not only that, the soup was served at barely warm levels. I mean, if you're going to make me soup and serve it BLAND, at least heat it up for me so that when I add (lots) of salt, it will dissolve at a reasonable time frame.

As I've mentioned, the cheesecake was OK. Nothing special. It was part of the 3 course meal (senior's diet plan) that my boyfriend ordered.

The most disappointing part  to me, was the service. Not only did they spill water on the birthday boy. But they also refused to split the bill for a larger party. Then when we asked if we can pay certain parts on credit card, the waiter said "NO. No splitting bills. It says on the menu you can't split bills". My friend tried to explain we're not splitting it but trying to pay parts on certain bills. Now I don't know about you, but I've gone to lots of places in my life from crappy little corner places, to your neighborhood pubs, and large chain restaurants, and I've NEVER had a problem with paying a portion on one credit card and the remainder on another. Needless to say, Portobello has its own rules that it's sticking to. And that rule is to not accommodate at all!

When we looked at the bill closely (because now we had to do math worthy of 20 accountants just to figure out our payments) we noticed they put the tax on top of the gratuity. That doesn't make the gratuity 15% anymore. It makes it into 17% +. That's like 17% more than they deserve for the kind of service where they slowly brought out one plate at a time, spilled water on my friend, failed to keep our glasses filled, failed to give us adequate seating room and started to collect plates before everyone was finished their meals!

Finally, it cost my boyfriend and I $61 to experience such a horrendously disappointing dine out.

Puzzling Saturdays.

Today was so beautiful when it began and now it's all gray and depressing out. How awfully puzzling.

Oh well! One of the best things to do in rainy weather is to PUZZLE! That's right. Nothing better than a good old fashion 1000 piece jig-saw puzzle to solve your rainy wonder woes. But if you're anything impatient like myself, then you'll need a hammer and a nail file. That, or you can make alliance with someone (like my boyfriend) who will do all the work while you take umpteenth amounts of coffee breaks, water breaks, leg stretching breaks and, lest I forget, blogging breaks.

I'm looking forward to heading out soon for an old friend's 25th birthday celebration, so I guess I'll just leave my puzzling boyfriend to keep at it while I just take another break... yes, a getting-ready-for-dinner break.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Instant Noodles Wreck Havoc. Rain and General Misery

I'm feeling so "Blagh." That's right. BLAGH.
 There's no other term to describe it better... it is that feeling where your whole body feels like a truck came along and gently nudged it down before carefully driving over you sideways. I don't think it's a flu because I don't get sick but I am certainly feeling under this (crappy) weather.
I wonder if I made myself feel like this because I've been eating instant noodles for several days now. Not as the only food I'm eating, but definitely as a big component of at least one of my daily meals. I should have known better since the ingredients are mainly fat (from lard), salt, lard sprinkled with salt and simple simple carbs. I mean you can't get simpler and more process carbs than instant noodles, Let's just say if you were a noodle and this was elementary school, you wouldn't befriend instant noodle. And he would be sitting on the corner trying to put crayons into his mouth.
I guess today will be a day where I try to avoid that stuff (damn it's addictive), and drink lots of fluids to try to flush out all that ails me.

They are sooo good. But so deadly... I'm going to miss you